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About famie845

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  1. visa screen

  2. visa screen

    hi, i have talked to an immigration lawyer and he says i can apply for an H1C visa so i can have a working visa to work in certain hospitals in california. is this ok? anyway, i wanna ask about my...
  3. hi i recently found out that i passed the nclex in ca. i hav no ssn numbr but i do hav a tourist visa. is it possible that i get a temporary license? what do i do with this
  4. friend failed in local board

    she failed two exams. and it's not just 3 and
  5. my friend failed in the Local Board exam here in the phil and she's asking if she could take NCLEX instead, i told her not to take the local board coz there are some states that wont need it anyway,...
  6. that elusive fingerprint card

  7. the CA BON sent me a fingerprint card with numbers on the OCA space in it, i messed up so i ordered another one, i noticed there was nothing on the OCA space, i was wondering if i should copy the one...
  8. asking about application for fingerprint card

    https://app.dca.ca.gov/rn/requests.htm. try this. hope this works, it helped
  9. Fingerprint card

    thank you so
  10. error on fingerprint card

    i'm applying for CA BON i already ordered online. do i have to pay for it
  11. Fingerprint card

    hi, the ca bon already sent me a card but the prob is i messed it up. so i had to order again online. how will i pay for it? do i have to apply for another application and pay $75 for the application...
  12. error on fingerprint card

    i got my first cards when i applied for the exam. they told me i lacked fingerprint cards. and now do i have to apply again? how do you apply for fingerprint cards? i'm
  13. error on fingerprint card

    how do i get a new set of
  14. what happens if you made an error in typing the details in your fingerprint card? is it ok to use liquid eraser? i was using a electronic type writer and i made a mistake in entering the details. it...
  15. taking nclex using tourist visa?

    thank you so much for that