error on fingerprint card


what happens if you made an error in typing the details in your fingerprint card? is it ok to use liquid eraser? i was using a electronic type writer and i made a mistake in entering the details. it was clumsy of me. i know. :( someone please help.

white-out cannot be used on any legal document, and that includes any type of liquid eraser as well.

please get another set of cards, or you have a high chance of getting them denied.

or if there is space on the card, run a line through what was incorrect and then add in the correct information. make sure that you write error by the line that you crossed out and initial next to it. same thing that you will do when you make an error in your charting. you can never use liquid eraser on it. and it is acceptable to do this. but it will depend on where the mistake was made and if there is room to correct it. if not, then get a new one to play it safe.

how do i get a new set of cards?

Same way that you got the first set. You need to follow that procedure again.

i got my first cards when i applied for the exam. they told me i lacked fingerprint cards. and now do i have to apply again? how do you apply for fingerprint cards? i'm sorry :o

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Which BON did you apply to? You may be able to request online at their site for more cards, you do not need to apply again

i'm applying for CA BON i already ordered online. do i have to pay for it again?

You do not pay again for requesting fingerprint cards.

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