General E. Speaking, RN RN

floor to ICU


About General E. Speaking, RN

General E. Speaking, RN is a RN and specializes in floor to ICU.

great sense of humor, honest

Latest Activity

  1. General E. Speaking, RN

    My friend is gotta read this update!!!

    Yes and animal things got much worse. Our 17 yr old Sheltie -mix dog took a turn for the worse.. I noticed his head was turned to one side. The he started having seizures. It was horrible, We were...
  2. RECALL MY ORIGINAL POST: My friend, a fellow RN, has been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. He is 30 yrs old and has been given 3-5 mos to live. He has already been set up with hospice. We...
  3. General E. Speaking, RN

    My friend is dying.

    Thanks. Yall are making me cry
  4. General E. Speaking, RN

    Ativan IVP vs Propofol gtt

    true. We did switch him to
  5. General E. Speaking, RN

    How does your unit orient new nurses?

    Our new nurses all go thru the usual general hospital orientation. The nurse is then assigned a mentor in ICU who precepts then throughout their orientation. They have a check off list of things to...
  6. General E. Speaking, RN

    Ativan IVP vs Propofol gtt

    My original post said he told me to "wean" propofol, what he actually said was "stop" the propofol. Sorry for confusion. I did call back and get the fentanyl gtt upped to 50mcg but I agree that...
  7. General E. Speaking, RN

    Ativan IVP vs Propofol gtt

    He told me to stop the propofol, not actually wean. I saw him yesterday and confronted him about the situation. We bantered back and forth for a while. He eventually told me that he was ******...
  8. General E. Speaking, RN

    My friend is dying.

    I haven't wanted to come back to this site for some reason. I have been battling some depression/anxiety myself. My friend is such an awesome person. He is usually positive but has his down moments...
  9. General E. Speaking, RN

    Nursing shortage in Texas

    I have worked with a few Filipino nurses that were sponsored by some of the hospitals in the Valley in Texas. They are deplorable and dangerous working conditions- too many patient to nurse ration,...
  10. General E. Speaking, RN

    low urine output high bnp

    Love all the insight. Yall are so smart! Thanks
  11. General E. Speaking, RN

    Ativan IVP vs Propofol gtt

    Had a patient on Propofol gtt (and Fentanyl gtt @75mcg/hr). S/P laparotomy. Possible aspiration- he was on a vent (PSV). He was lethargic but calm and arousable and would follow commands....
  12. General E. Speaking, RN

    My friend is dying.

    My childhood friend died a few weeks ago, she was 44. My friend with cancer is a fellow nurse friend that I used to work with. He is 30 and is angry w/ God. making a bucket list, etc... Thanks for...
  13. General E. Speaking, RN

    Are advertising scrubs next?

    Saw on the news that they are considering putting advertisements on the side of school buses. Hope the hospital administrators don't catch wind of this. Before you know it, we will be wearing "Coca...
  14. General E. Speaking, RN

    My friend is dying.

    Thanks for the advice. Loosing my uncle suddenly, then another friend who was only 44 a short time ago and learning of his cancer has been quite a blow. One thing that bothers me right now is he is...
  15. General E. Speaking, RN

    My friend is dying.

    My friend, a fellow RN, has been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. He is 30 yrs old and has been given 3-5 mos to live. He has already been set up with hospice. We are all pretty shocked....