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  1. question about 3 "on"/ 4 "off "schedule

    It depends on the unit and the hospital, but in the units I have worked for in my hosptial the days jump around. Some people request to work 3 in a row to get a few more days off on the end, but it...
  2. Did anyone else get annoyed at the line from Grey's Anatomy last night, October 29th, where one doctor says to Dr. Grey who will be assisting Dr. Shephard in the OR "Sounds like your his *****."...
  3. Too Young?

    I get it all the time. I'm 25 years old, a lieutenant in the army reserve and have been a registered nurse for 3 years now. I am tired of the ER population looking at my ID after I have identified...
  4. I am an Army Reservist working in an ER on the civilian side. My hospital requires me to work two weekends a month. Add that to drill weekend and it comes out to three weekends a month at work. I...
  5. Are all floor nurses rude to ER nurses?

    I found this older thread looking up an issue I have recently faced, so forgive me if there are newer threads on this topic out there.... I am glad to see that my hospital isn't the only one dealing...
  6. Left ED job due to unsafe staffing...

    Haven't been in the ER long, but no lunches are common. That hour is critical to recharging the batteries and getting away from the hecticness. Managment is working on hiring more, but the process...
  7. Good ER leadership

    We just got an entirely new mangement team and they are amazing. It is great to see management out on the floor helping with patient care when it gets crazy as well as being there to mentor and laugh...
  8. ER vs ICU

    I have the opportunity to get a position in the ER or an ICU. Both appeal to me. I know each unit has it's own "personality." I need to decide which one fits me better. Can anyone offer advice on...
  9. Jcaho

    I'm sure answers are going to be generally the same, but what are everyone's thoughts on Jcaho visits? I for one am glad they are here so they can go and we are done with all this for 3 years. The...
  10. I was working with a Spanish speaking patient before I got our translation services set up and he says, "I don't understand english" and continues speaking to me in spanish. O told him, "Senor, I...
  11. Night Shifters!!!!

    I wish I could exercise but I am way too tired. Even on my days off, there is a "leftover" tiredness that doesn't leave and makes it difficult to get up and go running. I had two weeks off a few...
  12. Nursing Work Ethic

    I work someone now that has a pretty poor professional work ethic that has fed up most of my other coworkers. We have brought this nurse's comments and actions, or lack thereof at times, to the...
  13. Attention Gaylord Focker...

    Go ahead and switch. I see you already have a sense of humor which will come in handy in this career. Good luck to
  14. I've been working a year and a half and have thought about quitting myself. I don't know what else I would do besides nursing. At first I really enjoyed working and then reality set in. Long hours,...
  15. Nursing diagnosis

    This is slightly off topic, but do any of you actually use a nursing diganosis in your practice? How does it fit in? And why does it fit in? We all know the reason the patient is there, what is...