Published Oct 30, 2009
27 Posts
Did anyone else get annoyed at the line from Grey's Anatomy last night, October 29th, where one doctor says to Dr. Grey who will be assisting Dr. Shephard in the OR "Sounds like your his *****." Then ends with "Have fun playing nurse." Lines like this mess with the public's perception of Registered Nurses.
3,037 Posts
I used to care but years of stereotypes have worn me down. If I was going to get upset about how Grey's portrays nurses I'd start with how there are none as anything except background wallpaper, except for the first season when one was the centre of a plot about sex and STDs. If you really want to get irate watch House.
babyNP., APRN
1,923 Posts
I've gotten past it (mostly), but what reminds me that this is not a medical show is when nearly all the doctors put their stethoscope's on backwards. Just watch them! It really takes away from the credibility of the show.
Not to mention an episode where Alex Karev while scrubbed and suited in goes to change the clock's time on the wall.
520 Posts
It makes me a little sad, but when you think about it...look at how lawyers are always potrayed, or corrupt cops.. I think there are many professions that deal with stereotypes.
389 Posts
Yeah, it bothered me a little.
There's so many things the residents do that in real life nurses do, and that annoys me.
There's also things that bug me after I've started working in a hospital. Like if they're surgery residents, why are they spending so much time in the ER and the clinic?!
And why does it seem like surgery is the only dept in that hospital and the chief of surgery acts likes the hospital CEO (making merger decisions)
I still love the show though
172 Posts
^ And doctors are horny buggers with severe emotional issues and mommy/daddy problems.
Otessa, BSN, RN
1,601 Posts
I'll have to watch this episode online, I missed it.
371 Posts
I saw that episode about sex and STD. lol
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Fictional medical television shows cannot upset you if you don't watch them.
Therefore, I don't bother with watching fictional medical dramas such as Grey's Anatomy. I've got better things to do, such as browse these forums. :)
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
I don't watch them; the "closest" medical show was ER and I liked it--most of the time.
Otherwise, no med shows for me. I don't want to get annoyed.
159 Posts
that line (or the tone used to deliver it?) annoyed me too..