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All Content by kamelot1

  1. I have just received a green card through employment, but after entering the states and received my SSN card i was told by my recruiter that the place i was suppose to work at has reached full capacity and they are trying to transfer me to another pl...
  2. changing employment...am i allowed?

    i find it hard to believe since they are the ones who paid for everything...but thanks though
  3. changing employment...am i allowed?

    not yet...i thought to give it another week or so and then contact them...i was wondering if anyone here is a bit more educated about this kind of situation
  4. Hi It has come to my attentions by other nursing forums that there is no longer automatic green cards for international nurses. it this true?
  5. green card for international nurses

    i'm a little new to this forum. where i find this sticky at the top?
  6. green card for international nurses

    thanks for the reply. may i ask where u saw this information? can u direct me to an official goverment site that says that too? thank you