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All Content by csims70

  1. How long before I receive orders?

    Rencently commissioned on Sept 22 66H8A; soon to be 66f. Anyone know about the process of receiving, initial orders. How long does it take? Also anyone know what EDD is. Im still and E-mail only account on the Army Knowledge Online site. Won't have f...
  2. UAB...who starts this month?

    Ill be starting Monday as well. I haven't worked in the past 4 weeks and have done more "Honey Do" than I care to talk about. Needless to say, I am ready to get started. Did any of you take the research class this summer. I didn't think it was too ba...
  3. Military CRNA

    Teri I spoke with a recruiter toaday and he explained that the 90 days is true for surgens and CRNAs. The majority of the reservist that I have spoke with tell me to go for it. But you know what they say "misery loves company" so you don't know if it...
  4. Military CRNA

    I am currently a civilian, never served and will be starting a CRNA program this fall. I have spoke with a recruiter about the STRAP program. The program will give me a monthly stippen 1200+/month and up to 50000 in loan repayment. My total time serv...