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All Content by FLAtoNYC

  1. OKay so im cramming for my second year math validation exam and did most of the problems in the book and can't find this anywhere. I remeber that I knew it last semester in the class but its not in the book and i know it was all over the exam last y...
  2. I am at dinner with my husband tonight and he tells me that he got a call today on his cell he uses for work from someone who claimed to work at the office of a doctor he saw one time over a year ago saying that said MD told him my husband had come t...
  3. Dear Roser13, I am very sorry for obviously offending you so severely that you felt the need to reply to not one, but two posts in a row regarding my error in misspelling hipaa. In fact, my embarrassment in my error is so great that I attempted to ...
  4. I CAN appreciate and I apologize for my error. You guys are really tough... I was really fired up and typing from my iphone really fast in the car. Thanks at least for reading my story and for the couple of responses that helped. I am sorry to hav...
  5. Funny things lay-people say...

    My mom, bless her heart, is proxy for my grandma who's in a nursing home and has called me on numerous occasions to say nana is admitted to the hospital again for " growing another urinary track from bacteria". Poor thing... She tries and I feel bad...
  6. very badly behaved ped client

    Just a thought... many of the leukemia protocols include high doses of steriods in induction. This tends to make many of the kids extremely irritable, argumentative, and just plain difficult. I work in peds Onc and try to make my parents understand...
  7. I am a peds heme-onc rn in NYC planning on moving back to o-town sometime in the spring next year. I am looking for info on peds hospitals that have solid peds heme-onc units or infusion clinics. Basically, where are they? How large are they? Pt ...
  8. Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing in new york

    Hi all. Good luck, you picked a great program. I just graduated this year. Anyone want PBISN textbooks (I will include all my study guides and notes if you buy the books at a minimal price)? Need to clear out my bookshelves so i can fill them wit...
  9. Thyroid Cancer Anyone?

    Thank you for sharing your story. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you begin school this year. Good luck!!! You are amazing for keeping your dream alive and not giving up.
  10. Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing in new york

    Anyone from PBISN present or future interested in any textbooks, study guides or notes? Please PM me if interested and Ill give you a list of what I have. PBISN grad, class of 08'
  11. NY jobs

    I just got hired at Montefiore in peds heme/onc as a new grad with ADN. I am so surprised you are having problems with a BSN as most places here will not look at you without one. i went to Beth Israel SON and most of my friends are taking jobs at a...
  12. NCLEX RN July 2

    I am taking it tomorrow also..... My stomach is so sick.... It has been for days. Do you guys think we will have to wait till Mon for results? That is going to make for a horrible weekend. Fireworks might cause me to have a heart attack:). Good ...
  13. i think an all select all that apply test would make my head explode. the most we have had on a test was 6/50 and i think in the history of all my exams i have gotten about 30% of them correct. good luck with that!!!!
  14. Which clinical should I chose?

    I would suggest going with the intermediate medicine. What you learn on the floor is most likely to coorelate with what you will be learning in your lectures and actually seeing things in person will help you a great deal wiht your exams. Good luck...
  15. Things you would LOVE to say to your nursing instructors...

    1. quiz is not quizz. don't write it on the board please. don't you notice when you come back later that we have corrected your spelling? 2. when someone asks a question it is not appropriate to say " do your homework" when we all know it is bec...
  16. NYC tristate area hospitals

    Hi all! I am about to be a new grad with an ADN taking NCLEX in July. I am looking for information on great pediatric units or pediatric specialty hospitals in the tristate area to apply to. I am Peds or bust and plan on waiting to work until I ge...
  17. thanks for listening
  18. For a school assignment, what are some important discharge instructions for patients with Rheumatic fever with and without cardiac complications besides prophylactic antibiotics? THat was all I could think of. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Thanks guys... I still cant figure out what the little i is but hopefully someone will know at school tomorrow. Ugh. Thats what I get for picking up too many shifts during my 2 weeks off and waiting till the last possible minute. Hope everyone is ...
  20. NSNA national convention

    Anaheim in April! Im going... anyone else?
  21. I bought a TX this weekend and had my first clinical with it yesterday. It was out of my hands at least 20 times because it was sooooo useful. I downloaded Davis's, RN notes, MEdSurg notes, an assessment guide and this diagnosis/intervention progra...
  22. Anyone else planning a wedding while in NS?

    The wedding is in Key West... 33 days til finals... 38 to the wedding!
  23. Anyone else planning a wedding while in NS?

    I am also planning a December wedding. The 16th! 3 days after finals!!! I am in my first semester also. Congrats! Its crazy though. I tried to get so much done in the Summer for the wedding, but now I feel like I didnt do anything cause all thes...
  24. What does bump mean?

    I have been wondering this forever.... I see it on many posts... thanks
  25. What does bump mean?

    :yeah: Thanks guys... Another mystery of the world solved by my friends on all nurses!