new nursing student

new nursing student

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All Content by new nursing student

  1. first year uni assessment, plese help

    hi, i am just starting in my first semesta at uni and for my foundation nursing skills assessment, i need to write a essay that outlines a risk assessment in relation to maintaining skin integrity, (from a pationt example given)and then discuss strat...
  2. doula

    hi, i am a 1st year nursing student and am considering training as a doula (birth assisstant), does anyone no if this is popular in australia, where the best place is to train(i am in qld)? and wether it may help me to get into midwifery once i am a ...
  3. doula, birth assisstant

    hi, i am currently in my first year of a nursing degree, which i am doing in order to become a midwife,and start up a home birth business, however i have just looked into becoming a doula, birth assisstant, and am considering training as 1 (which see...
  4. first year uni assessment, plese help

    hi tina, glad to hear you have survived your 1st year of uni well, and still loving it. hopefully i will to. there is so much to do , i am only in my second week and already feeling the pressure. thanks for the info, i will see if i can find that v...
  5. first year uni assessment, plese help

    thanks so much for the info, it gives me somewhere to start my search. much appreciated, kj