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About lucky13

LPN finishing nursing school

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  1. Just took my boards for the 2nd time....

    Just found out that I didn't pass, again. maybe next time will be better, third times a charm right? 45 days, and I'll get back on the horse.
  2. Just took my boards for the 2nd time....

    Thanks guys! hope you're right! Atleast I will know tomorrow, but it's still torture!!!
  3. I just took my NCLEX-RN boards the second time and feel horrible ! the first time I had 265 questions and failed, well, go figure, lucky me once again had 265 questions!!!! How frustrating! Have any of you ever heard of someone passing with 265 afte...
  4. ATI Study Materials?

    Thanks for the info. Do you think learning extension is more beneficial than a pile of ATI books????? I have a hard time staying focused so I am thinking that maybe the online learning extension would be better for me. I'm not sure!!!!!
  5. ATI Study Materials?

    Does anyone have any ATI study materials for NCLEX-RN? I am interested in buying them but can't afford to buy the new ones. I already took Kaplan, which was $500!!! This is my second time preparing for this lovely exam, any help would be great! Thank...
  6. 265'ers club, Pass or Fail at 265 please post

    I took the nclex yesterday, got 265, found out today I failed.
  7. All of a sudden I am really depress Today

    I just found out today that I failed the nclex, it was my first attempt. I had all 265 questions. I totally agree with everything you've been saying. I also worked my butt off to get to this point, only to be slapped in the face, and lose out on an a...
  8. 35 hours before the big test...

    FYI for anyone wondering, I found out today that i did not pass. It really sucks, lost an awesome job in cardiac icu because that hospital doesn't hire LPN's, not even in other units. Im pretty bummed right now. I used saunders and kaplan, not sure ...
  9. 35 hours before the big test...

    Well, like everyone says after they take the nclex, I FEEL SO CONFUSED!!! Im not really sure if I should cry or laugh! I got all 265 questions, which I know doesn't mean that I definitly failed, but it sure doesn't reassure me that I passed either! W...
  10. 35 hours before the big test...

    well, here I am, with 35 hours left until the big day... the NCLEX-RN. So I am pretty much freaking out right now, which I understand is normal, but was hoping someone would have some words of wisdom for my major concern. I have been studying for abo...