Nurse Alexa MSN, RN


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All Content by Nurse Alexa

  1. As of February 12th, the CDC no longer recommends universal masking in health facilities in New York. Individuals who have not received the Flu/COVID vaccine are still mandated to wear the mask but it is not mandated for other staff. To me, this...
  2. Candida Auris has been around for years and the DOH swabs units if there are new cases. They say it's extremely contagious. Most of the times I've seen this in patients who are extremely compromised and 9/10 from a nursing home. We usually load ...
  3. Nurse Alexa

    Fun Friday!

    LOL we can all feel like this esp after those crazy days we barely pee and sit. Love this 🙂
  4. Thank god she was there. Respiratory arrest is the #1 cause of death for infants and children. Rescue breathing is key and this is something that everyone should know - to save their child or a bystander 😊
  5. Nurse Alexa

    Override is needed!

    Medications which are needed for all medical emergencies should be able to override. That also includes pain medications for intubation and procedures Fentanyl Propofol Precedex Haldol Ativan Versed Levo ...
  6. Nurse Alexa

    Pearson Vue Trick

    Hope this helps you guys in using the PVT. All Nurses and I have teamed up to give you a step-by-step guide with video instructional. This is all for your benefit so use it and ease your anxiety a little after you take your test 🙂
  7. The new NCLEX is focused on critical thinking and safety. As a teacher, I would tell my students to focus on patient scenario questions including priority and safety concerns. Sometimes as nurses were the last ones to ask why about something. That...
  8. Nurse Alexa


    While the good pop up is foul-proof, it's been said the bad pop up is only 70% effective. I would try to hold it together and wait until your formalized result comes back. No use worrying is you don't know 100% the results yet. Hope this helps a...
  9. Nurse Alexa

    Writing a case study

    This is an interesting topic and I like it. I would focus on: Management: Speak with individual who was bullied and individual who was proclaimed the bully separately. Ask each their side of the story Then speak with them together....
  10. Nurse Alexa

    Thoughts on CRNA schools: Upenn VS Scranton

    Hello there - UPENN I heard is like the Mecca of anesthesia and you are blessed to get in there. However, it is one of the more expensive schools. Scranton is more "reasonably" priced with also a great reputation. However, UPENN and other Ivy Le...
  11. Nurse Alexa

    PVT says on hold; Pearson say's candidate misconduct

    Nazim - I'm so sorry this happened to you. The fragility of the testing situation is intense and I remember when I took it, they almost made me feel like it was military style with all the rules. While I have not had this situation myself I woul...
  12. Nurse Alexa

    CMC exam

    I was close to failing this exam as well. The CMC is very difficult I felt - I took the TCRN as well and the TCRN was longer but less challenging for me. Off that tangent, as for resources, I would look up the Laura Gasparis videos either on You...
  13. Nurse Alexa

    Favorite Student Websites for Resources

    YouTube is always a go too - many channels have great content with eye catching videos. For specific topics - the ABG Ninja website was always key for understanding ABG interpretations with compensations. And the EKG 123 website which shows live rhyt...
  14. Nurse Alexa

    Interview tips

    Speak about your focus on optimal patient care and safety! Speak about your conflict resolution, which I'm sure in the prisons you'll see a lot of. Speak about how you can see the signs of a person increasing in agitation and escalating. I found...
  15. I would think about where you see yourself. I think PACU seems the better option - here you can continue your nursing skills and are exposed to a wider variety of career paths. As an Aesthetic Nurse - this is a very specific career path. I think...
  16. Nurse Alexa

    Toxic work environment

    Overall, we are all on a team and sometimes members of that team can be difficult to work with. At the end of the day, make sure you are doing the best you can do for your patients, show respect to every member of your team, and go from there. I...
  17. Nurse Alexa

    How to Navigate SRNA Stipend Offer?

    I have not been in this situation yet - but I have heard that many Anesthesia Associations and hospital systems will offer loan reimbursements for years of work. I would first and foremost confirm that you like the facility (including patient po...
  18. Nurse Alexa

    Resume Objective

    Aesthetics RN is focused on attention to detail, facial anatomy and IV skills. I would highlight your IV experience in your resume, knowledge of Anatomy of the Face and detail-orientation on the unit. If possible, there are classes you can take on...
  19. Nurse Alexa

    The Age Old Question: When Should I Start Traveling

    I would wait until you have a little more experience. For example, I had 6 years experience in critical care before traveling. While some traveling sites will assist you, I have worked at a majority of them in which you are very much on your own. ...
  20. Nurse Alexa

    Should I withdraw from CRNA school?

    I would speak with colleagues as well, and I think you'd be pleasantly surprised that many feel the same way. Starting a new position, and one with the most responsibility, is nerve wracking and I understand where you're coming from. L...
  21. Nurse Alexa

    I am so frustrated with Anatomy & Physiology :(

    In my opinion, A&P was one of the most challenging pre-requisite you will take because it incorporates lots of memorization. It's important to take one topic at a time. To study pieces of your work every/every other day and not cram. ...
  22. Nurse Alexa

    4 Reasons to Love Bedside Nursing

    I appreciate this article and have always appreciated bedside nursing. It's a beautiful thing to be placed in these patient situations as their backbone and advocate. We are working with patients at sometimes what seems to be their most vulnerab...
  23. I passed the CMC last year! I used the AACN booklet which was a saving grace and the questions were just like the one's they posted. I also used Laura Gasparis's (sp) YouTube cardiology videos which were a great assistance, hearing her talk thro...
  24. Nurse Alexa

    Floor RN transitioning to dialysis

    Soak in all the material you can - dialysis nurses know a lot. You will be an asset to the team because of your acute experience!
  25. Nurse Alexa

    How often are vitals check w/Amio drip infusing?

    At the hospitals in which I have worked Amio is considered a drip in which vitals should be checked every hour. I know it seems like a lot, but we also know the side effects of Amio - hypotension and bradycardia. Waiting for the vitals to be tak...