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About kayleo22

Latest Activity

  1. Need Some Advice

    Hi Everyone, Need some advice and suggestions, I have been on the waiting list for the RN program for almost 3 years and last month I got a call from the college telling me that I was #86 on the list...
  2. Trying To Decide Which Way To Go For a 1st Job

    Thanks For the advice, thats a good idea of making a list of pros and cons when I go in the morning. LTC, I would have 32 patients I would be caring for, and it's 30 minutes from my home, at the...
  3. I am a new nurse. I just passed my boards and got my license. I applied at a LTC and at the local hospital. The hospital called me first and I went in and did all my blood work, backround check and...
  4. Went to 205, what does this mean

    I know the number means nothing, but how do they determine if you passed. I know if you go all the way to 205 then they go back 60 questions, but from there I don;t know how the determine. Can anyone...
  5. I took the nclex-pn yesterday in California and it went all the way to 205. I had alot of priority questions and fell like I failed the test, which I know we all feel like that when we come out of the...
  6. Hi, I'm hoping to start LVN classes in Spring '06

    I just finished school and took my nclex on Jan 12th and just found out that I passed. I am 40 years old with 3 children, well really 4 children including my husband, (ha-ha), but I wanted to wait...
  7. California Results

    I took mine on Jan.12th and just found out yesterday that I passed. Several of us in my class have taken it already and it's taken about 2 weeks, all of us passed so far. Shouldn't be to
  8. Took NCLEX-PN today...

    I took my nclex on Jan 12th, 2006 and found out today that I passed, computer cut off at "100" I was sick to my stomach. I used Saunders red book and cd, read every rational and then the blue book and...
  9. Freaking Out!!!!!!!!

    I Passed........................I Passed, I am a
  10. Tell Me What You Think

    Hi Everyone, I took the Nclex on Jan 12th, 2006 and still no results, other classmates took theres before me and after me and got there results and passed. Is it true that if you pass you get your...
  11. Feeling Horrible

    Thanks for your reply, I was so worried because noone I know cut off at 100. I will let you know when I hear
  12. Feeling Horrible

    I called the Ca board of nursing today, and told them I took my nclex a feww weeks ago and I was moving if I needed to give my change of address or wait a few weeks to see if I got the results, she...
  13. Freaking Out!!!!!!!!

    I took the PN nclex on thursday Jan.12 and it is eaten me alive. I live in California so who knows how long its going to take for me to find out the results. The test was out of this world, I am a...
  14. Do I have to quit my job to take LPN classes???

    I just graduated in November from the lvn program and I worked full time the whole program at the hospital in the ER dept as a unit clerk. It was really hard and took alot of work juggling a husband,...
  15. Stressed about the test!!

    Took the test today and I am really stressed. I thing I failed the boards. It cut off at "100", any input about how it works and if its a good or bad thing if it cuts off at "100".