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All Content by Convoy2022_TrumpSupporter

  1. How to Deal with Staff Who Don't Like You?

    appreciate it. im just a bit sensitive cause im not used to this kind of thing. im also not confrontational thats true. It's just that they are asking me and I got the shift because I requested that floor etc... and they are making a big deal...
  2. How to Deal with Staff Who Don't Like You?

    thanks at least yours is less offensive!
  3. How to Deal with Staff Who Don't Like You?

    I am just not sure why they behave lik that. thats why
  4. How to adjust working on different floors everyday?

    my new co worker said she is working different floors everyday in the nursing home. she is great, but she is junior to most of us since we all have a line and we only work 1 floor. She is casual but is getting full time hours because they are short e...
  5. Forced to another shift/floor when I have senority?

    I am fulltime on the 7th floor. I have been working here since January. So this other lady who is also full time but she does not have a line so she just picks up shifts but she is full time and gets benefits too. She would always work my side when I...
  6. Forced to another shift/floor when I have senority?

    thanks my guy. I just hate confrontation
  7. Forced to another shift/floor when I have senority?

    I guess residents are more calm and independent but all floors have their pros and cons. I have a decent relationship with the boss. now with her? not really. I do not like confrontation, and if we go by seniority she should not even be arguing. ...
  8. What exactly is the role of a Union for Nurses?

    So I am new to this stuff. I live in ON Canada and we have the College of Nurses of Ontario and lots ofNurses are unhappy with them during the pandemic as we pay for memberships, and they don't do crap for Nurses. their role is to ensure public safet...
  9. What exactly is the role of a Union for Nurses?

  10. How to deal with stress at work?

    Not usually at work, but before work and after work. I work 1500-2300 I wake up and I am always stressed prior to my shift. Like I am like "man what will happen this shift? Another fall? A code? A family yelling at me? Management fully enf...
  11. What is your favorite shift to work?

    At our facility we have: Morning 0700-1500 Evening 1500-2300 Night 2300-0700 I always loved evening. Love going home at night and don't really have to worry about traffic or the morning rush. I can sleep in. I can make appointment...
  12. By the way Happy Nurses week!. So basically I am a Nurse at my community Hospital and we have cases we used to be on outbreak but now its under control and stuff. Patients, random people I meet at the grocery store they complain to me as they don't h...
  13. Is there a Stigma with a Male working in Nursing?

    Of course Nursing has evolved and many men are in the field. In my short career as a Nurse I 've worked with 95% only women. Right now its only me and 3 other guys in my workplace. Now I get these weird feelings sometimes. Sometimes certain fema...
  14. Like I work at a retirement home since Feb and its my first job. I work evening shift 1500-2300. I always have this feeling when I get home that I forgot something or I made a mistake and the morning shift will report it etc.. My mind is ...
  15. I talk to a Janitor who works at a local Hospital. She calls himself a Frontliner and such (Not dealing directly with patients) but cleaning their rooms. Then 'I talk to a grocery worker who says they are an essential worker. What is the damn di...
  16. Is it appropriate to "show off" that you are a Nurse on social media?

    Agree 100%. To me its just disgraceful. This career isn't about showboating but about helping people. Like why would you wanna show off you are helping people in their most vulnerable state?
  17. basically in the retirement home I am part time and get 4 shifts in 2 weeks. In those 4 shifts I am shadowing the full timer. This one Resident she speaks little English mostly Chinese. She does not like me because I am not the full timer as the ful...
  18. How to deal with a patient/resident that does not like you?

    While I do agree with you, it doesn't give them a pass to say hurtful things to others. I'm still human too. I show compassion and all. That patient though is lucky. I have seen many Nurses/Doctors who don't take *** from patients. If that Resident c...
  19. Basically I have been working at a REtirement home since the pandemic started and I have been working on the floor giving medications assessing residents etc... Now they were offering to train me to do something called "RAI" which is like an office t...
  20. Basically I was working 1500-2300 hrs shifts but they told me that they will train me for RAI. After 2 days I already knew it wasn't for me at this time. On the first day the coordinator told me "Let me know if it isn't for you so we aren't wasting a...
  21. How do I tell the RAI Coordinator that I am not ready to do RAI yet without looking like an idiot?

    Thank you. I just feel at this time I want to learn the floor first or at least be close to mastering it. Then I can move on.
  22. I am not familiar and my school never taught me well about it. I get confused about blood clots how they are good and such cause it helps control bleeding? But then there are bad blood clots that can cause a PE? Are they the same? How does Warfarin a...
  23. So I am working at a Retirement Home and its going well, I love being the Nurse on the floor, but sometimes they will pull me and say I am gonna be a screener today to screen essential visitors, or one day I will be the Wound Care Nurse, or I will be...
  24. A patient had a get well balloon but they were discharged which was good and they felt better. They had that balloon in their room. It was deep cleaned but the balloon was left. The patient did not want it anymore so my co-worker took the balloon and...
  25. are they all the same thing?