Bookish_SN ASN

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All Content by Bookish_SN

  1. Bookish_SN

    NYU New Grad Residency Spring 2022

    Hi everyone, good luck on all the applications. Just want to point out, in NYC, most (if not all) hospitals won't even look at your application without your license or you taking the NCLEX and already passing. If you have submitted an application and...
  2. Bookish_SN

    New Grad RN NYC Hospitals 2022

    I say just apply. Make accounts at the career pages of the hospital you are interested in and apply to the openings you find in the unit you're wanting to join. I passed my boards early March and that was when I started actively applying, signed my o...
  3. Bookish_SN

    New Grad Salary in NYC

    Guys, how is the annual differential calculated? like how do they know how much differential in total you'd accumulate for the year considering that depends on when you work nights, right?
  4. Bookish_SN

    New Graduate Nurse NYC

    I say continue applying to everything. I'm a new grad and I've received call backs, offered a job in an HHC hospital, and been hired at a private hosp. There are a lot of openings currently. I say just continue submitting.
  5. Bookish_SN

    NYC Residency Programs 2022

    Hi, just responding based on what I've known (new grad here). Without a license, majority of NYC hospitals won't hire you so I didn't see the point of applying. If you apply to HHC hospitals, you are automatically entered into their residency program...
  6. Bookish_SN

    Asn/BSN that accepts transferred pre-reqs? NYC

    I believe some CUNY do accept the science pre-reqs if they're less than 7 years. I would definitely speak to the nursing department of each school to confirm.
  7. Bookish_SN

    NYS Board of Nursing Website not working?

    Hi, not sure if you've checked recently but their site is definitely on. Good luck!
  8. Bookish_SN

    Hospitals hiring ASN in NYC?

    Hi everyone, Just wondering, does anyone know of any hospitals that are hiring ASNs still in NYC? Exp. graduation date of Jan 2022 but no previous clinical working experience. I work more as clerical (bedside registrar) at the ED in a hospital. ...
  9. Bookish_SN

    ASU CEP Applicants?

    Anyone here applied for the ASU CEP? Or is in the program already? Curious to see how it is, workload and what not. Thanks!
  10. Bookish_SN

    NYC BMCC 2020

    Hi everyone, Wondering if anyone here is applying or has applied for Spring 2020 at BMCC. If so, are you scheduled to take the Kaplan test already?
  11. Bookish_SN

    BMCC Spring 2021

    Just to note, there is a form you can fill out and submit to request a change in section and the reason (letter from employer, etc). There is a deadline to submit this change though and I would check on when it is for your cohort but you can definite...
  12. Bookish_SN

    BMCC Fall 2019

    Hi guys, Entering BMCC as a transfer for Spring 2019. Anyone here applying for Fall 2019 candidacy? Do you know when we apply for the candidacy? When are registrations for Fall opening? Do you know how strong the competition normally is?
  13. Bookish_SN

    BMCC Spring 2020 Applicants

    Hi everyone! So, e-mails for exam schedule went out today! We are getting close. Creating this post for others that are scheduled to take it as well. When is yours? Good luck on studies! Also, anyone know of any good microbiology professors?
  14. Bookish_SN

    Fundamentals Tutor

    Hi guys, This is a diff. type of topic but wondering if anyone here tutors or knows a tutor for Fundamentals of Nursing? Our semester has undergone several changes due to the COVID virus and I wanted to get as much help as I can for this semester. If...
  15. Bookish_SN

    Fundamentals Tutor

    @KrCmommy522 thanks so much! I’m actually looking for an online tutor, since we don’t really get to leave home. I do my reviews right after lectures but I am looking for I guess a better way of absorbing the information. There are a lot of times I am...
  16. Bookish_SN

    BMCC Fall 2018

    Hi guys, anyone here tutors? I'm currently a 1st sem. nursing student and looking to see if someone does tutoring or if they know of someone that is tutoring that charges per hour? This nursing online classes are getting harder and harder.
  17. Bookish_SN

    A&P 1 question for BMCC students or grads

    Just PM'd you this. Good luck!
  18. Bookish_SN

    NYC BMCC 2020

    Hi Zach, congrats! Btw, are you part of the whatsapp chat for the morning?
  19. Bookish_SN

    NYC BMCC 2020

    I believe Pre-req courses stays the same for both, the difference is for the evening, you have to have completed A&P2 and Micro already when you submit your application checklist.
  20. Bookish_SN

    BMCC Spring 2020 Applicants

    Found it! Thanks!
  21. Bookish_SN

    BMCC Spring 2020 Applicants

    Yes please! That would totally help in a looot of ways..
  22. Bookish_SN

    NYC BMCC 2020

    Thank you! Good luck on your journey as well ?
  23. Bookish_SN

    NYC BMCC 2020

    same, got confirmation as well. ? She said packet will be send end of this week, right? Congratulations!
  24. Bookish_SN

    BMCC Spring 2020 Applicants

    Yay! Congrats!
  25. Bookish_SN

    BMCC Spring 2020 Applicants

    Yay! thanks for the update.