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About beardeddragon123

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  1. Nursing student needing advice

    Hello everyone! I am making a post to have someone hopefully reach out that had or is having similar experience as me at the moment. Got my midterm grade back...unfortunately I failed. I knew my...
  2. Nervous about passing clinical

    I don't know if I am overthinking this or not. But today for clinical I forgot to bring in my flu shot vaccination confirmation sheet. Not only did I forget the paper, one student forgot to do her...
  3. Feelings about first injection

    Thank you so
  4. Feelings about first injection

    Today in clinical we gave our first injections into a patient (flu vaccine). My instructor was on top of me, and didn't let me have to time think since we were running out of time we had on the floor,...
  5. Help with clinical journal?

    Hello everybody! i am in my first semester of nursing school. We go to clinical once a week and after we must write a journal entry documenting our experience of the day at the clinical site (in a...
  6. Castlebanch drug testing facility

  7. Castlebanch drug testing facility

    yes i did
  8. Castlebanch drug testing facility

    I'm asking supervision in a sense of is the lady literally watching you pee. If she is outside the door I won't count that as
  9. Castlebanch drug testing facility

    You used castle ranch facility also? How did comment above not get supervised and you did? Do they randomly select or
  10. Castlebanch drug testing facility

    Thank you so
  11. Castlebanch drug testing facility

    Yes thank you! Also may I ask what year you took the
  12. Castlebanch drug testing facility

    Hey everybody! Quick question....have any of you used castle branch drug testing facility for your drug test to be admitted into your schools nursing program? Just wondering if the urine test will be...