Published Mar 12, 2019
12 Posts
Hello everyone! I am making a post to have someone hopefully reach out that had or is having similar experience as me at the moment. Got my midterm grade back...unfortunately I failed. I knew my information, but the way the questions are worded really throws me off. I have 2 more tests to take for the semester, but as of now im failing the course by a couple of points. I am so hoping to pull it back up with the next two exams, but I am extremely worried and nervous.... the pressure certainly is overwhelming. Anyone else have the experience where they were failing the semester mid-way through, and was able to pull it up again and pass the course before the semester ended? Some advice and encouraging stories would totally make me feel better and a little less close clsssmates seem to be doing pretty good which makes me kinda feel like a loser. Also, if anyone has some study tips that worked for them you guys can share with me, that would be awesome! Thank you so much for reading!
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,598 Posts
Moved to Nursing Student Assistance forum.
For tips, you might browse through the threads in this area, or do a search (upper right-hand corner) for Nursing School Study Tips, or something similar.
Hang in there, and best to you!
6 Posts
The one suggestion I can give is relatively simple (maybe 2 suggestions). Review you responses to the questions on the exam and identify the similarities and your answers. Ask yourself if you are reading to much into the questions (over thinking things). Are you able to pull from your clinical patient experiences and us that real life "I did scenario" a personal example deal with my fall down dead experience during my NCLEX, I ended up using all of my pencils to visualize how to teach a patient to use crutches. I can laugh at that now but I new I had failed. I didn't and now I am sharing with some one who has what it takes to join me as a RN. Best of everything, I believe in you!
AnnieNP, MSN, NP
540 Posts
I suggest reaching out to your instructors.
24 Posts
When you study for tests, do you do the practice NCLEX style questions? They are really helpful.
Rionoir, ADN, RN
674 Posts
I feel like more important than studying NCLEX questions is studying how to read and answer NCLEX question. We just had a test in CHA and there were multiple questions where you didn't even need to know anything about the topic to answer the question correctly if you used the nursing process. So for example, if they ask "what would you do first" and you don't have any assessment data in the question - that's probably what you're going to do first. If the question says someone "looks dyspneic", you are going to put the pulse ox on them before you throw a nasal cannula on them, right? They could just be having a panic attack. If you have the data in the question, then you don't need to assess again. And so on. Yes, you do still need to know your stuff, but I promise you if you learn how to pull these questions apart there are a lot of freebies on those tests.
Also, xanax. With a prescription of course. ?