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About coldhandsrn

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  1. Legal Nursing Consultant

    Anyone have any information on legal nurse consulting? I am trying to decide if it is worth the $5000 to get my CLNC. Any
  2. RN with "disability"

    I was in a car accident back in 2/05. As a result, I have a perm disability that states I can't lift greater than 15# with my right arm that results in my elbow above my shoulder. Basically,...
  3. Moving to Fort Walton Beach

    Hi! My husband and I have decided to move to Florida. I am a Florida native that was actually born in FWB at Eglin, but I grew up near Ocala. My husband is retired USAF and we loved that area of...
  4. Thank you so much for all of the advice! I have copied the typical interview questions to review. I found quite a bit of relief in knowing that my resume is comparible to the examples. I also put...
  5. Thank you so much for all of the advice! I have copied the typical interview questions to review. I found quite a bit of relief in knowing that my resume is comparible to the examples. I also put...
  6. thoracic outlet syndrome

    Hi. Does anyone know what specialty oversees thoracic outlet syndrome? Does anyone know any effective treatments? I was in a bad MVA in Feb/05 and am now being diagnosed with this. They are...
  7. Florida licensure

    I will be moving to FL from MI. Does anyone know about how long it takes to get license in FL and are you able to work in the state you are currently licensed in until your FL license comes
  8. RN safety when driving up north

    Thanks for writing. My accident was a little different. I was T-boned on the right side by a car going about 60 mph. My neck twisted and snapped. I have had to have radiofreqency to kill the...
  9. Moving to Largo, Florida

    Thanks, Tweety! I have already had some sticker shock! I have been looking online. I will probably end at the farthest point from the beach!! But, oh
  10. Moving to Largo, Florida

    Thank you for the help. I don't know if an apartment will work. My husband and I have three kids. I think housing is flying up everywhere!! Do they have large apartments down
  11. Nursing Pay

    I encourage you to check the cost of living where you are considering nursing. I live in an area where "view of the bay is half the pay" and they mean it! You can't really afford to live here on a...
  12. RN safety when driving up north

    I was in a bad car accident on my way to see a patient in 2/05. My experience was that we were told that we could refuse to see patients if the roads were bad. However, if we tried to get them...
  13. Moving to Largo, Florida

    I will be moving to Largo, FL soon. I am a native of FL and miss living there. Does anyone have any opinions of the healthcare system there? Does anyone know what the going wages are? Any...
  14. Unsafe situations...Your thoughts please

    I also worked as a home health nurse! Way to stand up for yourself! I am also a cardiac nurse and strongly agree with the cardiac concern related to digital