
K.Alva BSN, RN

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All Content by K.Alva

  1. Hofstra FNP 2020

    Hello, I was unable to find practically anything about Hofstra’s FNP program for Fall 2020 I just received my acceptance letter and was looking for others that will be starting with me in September 2020. Congratulations!
  2. Hofstra FNP 2020

    Do the nurses you know who are in the program start there second semester? Since acceptance I’ve been really overwhelmed with trying to find a part-time position fast so that it’s manageable. I work FT nights right now. @MSC.
  3. Hofstra FNP 2020

    Yay CONGRATS! I’ll see you in August at the orientation ??☺️ @UKRNBSN
  4. Hofstra FNP 2020

    Hey! The whole process took about 6 months for me but I applied VERY early. Interviewed in November 2019, accepted at the end of January 2020. the interview was a series of questions that gauge personality & not really clinical based as I expect...
  5. I recently was accepted into a highly prestigious, FREE, FNP program that is offered through my company. I was super excited about this opportunity, but have been second guessing EVERYTHING. I am extremely overwhelmed with making the decision to do i...
  6. Hello, I am new grad that has decided to start my nursing career in the NICU. During nursing school I never had the AH moment during clincials where I instantly fell in love with a specific area. Now being in the NICU I get nervous at times that I'm...
  7. I think your work environment has everything to do with your feelings. Nursing is one of the only careers where you expected to just know everything your first day BUT those critical thinking skills, organization, communication skills and confidence ...
  8. AMBU bag VS Neopuff

    In my unit as emergency equipment we set up an AMBU bag AND a neopuff. Can someone explain why we always set up 2, is there certain instances where you would use one over the other? Is is just in case one doesn't work?
  9. AMBU bag VS Neopuff

    Thank you so much! This makes a lot of sense.
  10. AMBU bag VS Neopuff

    obviously not if I am asking here. Thank you, but if your not going to add to the discussion then just don't bother commenting.
  11. Pay

    I would say NO WAY. I don't live in Florida. but I get benefits and way higher pay as an RN brand new grad. I think you should look at other hospitals in your area to compare.
  12. Catheter Came out. Should I reinsert it?

    I certainly think you made the right decision. You wouldn't want to reinsert the same foley bc it isn't sterile anymore. The hospital might have been a little much, but it was the safest option. She probably will she put on prophylactic antibiotics a...
  13. This is a good thought. I really hung up on the specialty...but any specialty could be pleasant with a positive work environment.
  14. Never said I was looking to change course. More like having anxiety that I will be like those old miserable nurses that hate there lives and want to be able to recognize it before it happens. But you are absolutely right, it has a lot to do with stil...
  15. Firstly, I am extremely sorry. I too would be very upset if this were to happen to me! However, it wasn't meant to be. Try and accept the fact that all though you thought this was your path, there is something else in store for you. With that said, k...
  16. Benefits over passion?

    I would say get your foot in the door. Once you are internal you can transfer into any openings after a probationary period. Also, if you wanted to go straight into the OR just know you still get god benefits just not VA benefits. If it were me I'd g...
  17. New Grad NICU Support Thread

    Hey guys I start in 2 weeks,,,,level 4. Im so super nervous, any tips? anything i should study
  18. NYU ABSN Fall 2018

    last tuesday..4/24
  19. NYU ABSN Fall 2018

    In the state of NY through the government nurses who work for non-for-profit get loan forgiveness after 10 yrs of on time payments based on you annual income.
  20. New Grad NICU Support Thread

    Hi guys! I am new grad starting in a level 4 NICU in 3 weeks! so nervous
  21. NYU ABSN Fall 2018

    nurses qualify for loan forgiveness, typically once you work as an RN the hospital has tuition reimbursement so you don't even pay for your masters and lastly with the salary you make you can easily make you payments
  22. NYU ABSN Fall 2018

    I got my acceptance letter and will be attending the orientation for new nursing students on 5/16! anyone else?
  23. Hello, so I recently was offered 2 positions in 2 awesome NICUS and now need to decide which one but its really hard. 1. NYU Winthrop: Full time, level III, benefits 403B, tuition reimbursement is $6000/yr, environment is great, perks-minimal, expos...
  24. 2 NICU Job offers, need opinions on offers

    They said my orientation would be 6 months w 1-2 preceptors and once on my own I would always be paired with a senior nurse. They told me that during my 6 months I will get experience in the lower acuity all the way up to the highest acuity neonates ...
  25. 2 NICU Job offers, need opinions on offers

    They're making me agree to work FT hours with a Perdiem label