Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

Medical Legal Consultant


All Content by Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

  1. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    What You Don't Know About Nursing Boards

    Most nursing schools teach to the test. They want nurses to pass the test because the school can find itself in trouble if the examination results show low pass rates. The same Board that regulates nursing licenses also regulates nursing education. ...
  2. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    License surrender vs out of state probation

    Are you represented by an attorney?
  3. Unless you've been living under a rock. You know all about RaDonda Vaught, the Tennessee Nurse who made a terrible and tragic fatal medication error. I won't go over all the details of the case here since there have already been multiple articles in ...
  4. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    What can I do about bullying?

    What should you do if you get bullied constantly at your job and are even feeling abused? I was hired in a small hospital, and since the first week, the manager and director of care started bullying me and even abusing me by changing my assignment t...
  5. I was drug tested at work, the only thing that I was positive for was my prescribed Clonazepam. However, I know benzos are abused (I truly didn’t abuse mine), so I kind of expected the BON to look into this. They did and now I have to do an eval. I’m...
  6. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    allnurses Defeats Test Prep Firm in Defamation Lawsuit

    Congratulations. What a huge well deserved win. The constitution prevails. Unfortunately, in our legal system, anyone can file a lawsuit and each party pays to defend itself.
  7. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    License surrender vs out of state probation

    I strongly caution nurses not to surrender their license. There are too many collateral issues that can arise. You said that you will not be on the OIG list. That is not true. Anyone who surrenders or has their license revoked can be on the exclu...
  8. Can I Refuse to Work If My Facility Does Not Have Proper Personal Protective Equipment? The number 1 question that I have been asked during this time of COVID-19 is, “Do I have to work if my facility does not have personal protective equipment?” Unfo...
  9. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    Can I Refuse to Work If My Facility Does Not Have Proper Personal Protective Equipment?

    This is what was sent out by the Oregon Board of Nursing where I took the quote. However it appears the Board has modified it slightly.
  10. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    Need Your Advice ASAP

    Trust your gut. I always say it is better to get another job because you cannot get another license. If your facility does not have policies and procedures, that is the place to start. If they don't have them, start a committee. That is your best ...
  11. This sets a bad precedent. If something happens to you, you are not covered by worker's comp. Also, if you access charts and you are not on the clock, legally it is a HIPAA violation although your hospital would probably never do anything about it....
  12. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    How to Become a Legal Nurse Consultant

    There are many times I am asked, “How can I become a legal nurse consultant?” Actually, you already are! The only thing an attorney would hire you for is your nursing knowledge and expertise. There is nothing extra that you need in either of those a...
  13. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    How to Become a Legal Nurse Consultant

    There are 2 types of legal nurse consultants. The first is behind the scenes consultant. These nurses do not testify. The second is an expert witness. Some attorneys prefer that an expert is not a professional witness.
  14. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    Putting in orders without an order.

    If you put in an order without a physician's order, your license is at risk. You are practicing outside the scope of your nursing license. You must have a policy and procedure or standing orders which allow you to put in an order. In addition, ther...
  15. I live in South Florida and I am on Team B for hurricane coverage which means I go in post-storm. I am expected to work Tonight 7pm to 7:30 am and Thursday 7pm-7:30 am for "Post Storm". My dilemma is I'm already scheduled for Fri & Sat nights. Th...
  16. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    I was accused of being impaired at work

    I have had severe daily migraines since I was 7 and took my lawfully prescribed migraine medicine Fioricet for 20 years in the middle of the night before work, which lasts about 3-4 hours. I was taken by security and took a drug test and passed full...
  17. You're Fired! Out of curiosity, over 50 hospital employees, including nurses, decided to check the celebrity's medical records. Many said they didn't go past the name screen but that was enough to be a HIPAA violation. Those individuals lost thei...
  18. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    Stayed suspension

    The best defense is a strong offense. I would recommend hiring an attorney. You can find a nurse attorney at TAANA.org. The attorney needs to see the evidence against you to make sure the state can prove their case. Just agreeing to something wit...
  19. Without going into too much detail, my patient declined the AM shift prior leading up to PM shift. So I was handed off a patient in decline and it was discovered on my shift. I was not able to conduct a full neuro assessment during AM meds. They put ...
  20. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    Board of Nursing Complaint

    Definitely get a lawyer. Do not respond yourself. Nurses tend to overshare which could get them in more trouble. Attorneys are trained on how best to respond and protect you. I suggest finding a nurse attorney at TAANA.org. You can also check ou...
  21. I am sorry this is happening. As nurses, our identity is tied to our jobs. When things change, it affects who we believe we are. The truth is you are a good nurse who got trapped in a bad situation. Whenever there is a he said, she said, the hospi...
  22. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    School Nurse - Should I Resign before I am Fired?

    I am a school nurse. I was suspended from work 20 hours after I filed a complaint - the complaint regarding me not being allowed to follow state laws and Standard practice of care for medication delegation. I have also not been allowed to make DCF ca...
  23. My former employer reported me to the board of nursing with the complaint that I removed medications from their emergency box ( plastic tires secured with zip ties). No it wasn't narcotics and no I didn't do it, but they are saying I'm the only one ...
  24. I was surprised when the Nursing Board initially took no action. This is a serious med error and a violation of the nurse practice act. I don't think it is right to tell someone they are not filing charges and then to do it later. The criminal cha...
  25. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    Trying to Endorse into Texas

    Hello, I am a nurse in Nevada trying to endorse into Texas. Do you have any knowledge on the process with the Texas BON? Each Board of Nursing operates separately, even the compact states. From the tone of your question, I think there may be somethin...