
nightingale RN

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  1. I have never known anyone to be charged in the US for a wasted med. Accidents
  2. interested in australia nursing

    F Carre: What is the RMA Code under your
  3. Aesthetics Nursing

    Tanya: Try doing a search on the Internet for associations or certifications for Nurses in this field. Mentoring is the way to go for me; I still hold onto a dear friend who was "literally" my first...
  4. Aesthetics Nursing

    Tanya, the only added comment I can make is regarding the Chamber of Commerce. I did join, with my Legal Nursing Business. It is about $300 a year, here in Colorado's small town (approx. 50,000). I...
  5. Travel Companies (On Assignment)

    I think it is important to review what you want: position, hours, location, size of facility, and to think about the pros and cons of what you have like about what you have done. That said, start...
  6. Positvie/Negative Feedback Regarding VMI Course

    [bANANA]WOOT!!![/bANANA] Congratulations! Will you be going to the conference in
  7. Staff medications

    BSNtobe2009: Have you ever been a Camp
  8. Aesthetics Nursing

    It is exciting to see this growth and inclusion of Nurses in Aesthetics. I am additionally proud to see the conversation and sharing of information of this specialty on this Bulletin
  9. Anything good about CO nursing?????

    RN in 08, have you worked as a Nurse yet in Colorado? I am just
  10. Please help me

    I have moved your thread to the International
  11. Positvie/Negative Feedback Regarding VMI Course

    The course cost, with the VIP package, IMHO, is well worth it. I have enough material to be certified for five years. Ther material covers everything I could imagine at this early date. I do wish I...
  12. 4 Week Travel Assignments

    From the get go, they sound difficult. Have you told them to not call every day? I would tell them you will get back with
  13. independent contractor forms for nurse

    I do not know of a website but I can tell you what works. Ask the facility that you want to contract with for the form they use. It will have information that is outlined for their state and what is...
  14. need info on malpractice insurance...

    I pay $ 300 annually with NSO as an RN. I hope there is some competion out there with a better rate for
  15. Keep the conversation on the Bulletin Board

    Please keep the conversation on the Bulletin Board. Asking posters to PM you for details does not do this. The purpose of this Forum is maintain an open ended conversations. Encouraging posters to...