I took my last final today, officially completing my first semester in my BSN program I managed 2 A's in Health Assessment and Process/Pharmacology. And a B+ in Fundamentals (Kind of bombed my final...
Thanks everyone! After a few weeks in, I'm feeling a little better. Still overwhelmed though lol. I like my clinical and labs for the most part. And I got a 92 on my first fundamentals exam! There's...
Thank you for all your insights. Becoming a nursing student has been a big shock for me. But I've doing my readings, watching videos, and even purchased a cheap sphygmomanometer so I can practice at...
Hi all :) Today was my first official day as a nursing student. (whoo-hoo) Despite my lecture room being absolutely freezing-- it wasn't that bad. We mainly went over the course and spent the last 15...
I took fundamentals and orgo, not bio. In my experience, Organic was way easier. It still required a lot more studying, but the content was easier to grasp. Naming, properties, reactions, shapes....
I had to do the SPARC thing like 10 times before I could get it to print. I had to use chrome on a computer, let every slide play through, and clicked every single possible link. Start from the...
Thank you! I signed up for their free weekly cheat-sheet but I don't I'm going to be subscribing just yet. Who knew nursing school was going to so expensive í ¾í´”í
Hi. I am starting my nursing classes in about a month (ah!) and was wondering if anyone has used simplenursing to help them. I've seen some posts from a few years ago on here. Some were good, some...