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About LavenderRN

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  1. End of semester! How did everyone do?

    I took my last final today, officially completing my first semester in my BSN program I managed 2 A's in Health Assessment and Process/Pharmacology. And a B+ in Fundamentals (Kind of bombed my final...
  2. Applied for Molloy's Fall 2018 Nursing Program

    I did end up getting an acceptance letter today. However, I'm almost done with my first semester in another
  3. First day of Nursing School

    Thanks everyone! After a few weeks in, I'm feeling a little better. Still overwhelmed though lol. I like my clinical and labs for the most part. And I got a 92 on my first fundamentals exam! There's...
  4. First day of Nursing School

    Thank you for all your insights. Becoming a nursing student has been a big shock for me. But I've doing my readings, watching videos, and even purchased a cheap sphygmomanometer so I can practice at...
  5. First day of Nursing School

    Hi all :) Today was my first official day as a nursing student. (whoo-hoo) Despite my lecture room being absolutely freezing-- it wasn't that bad. We mainly went over the course and spent the last 15...
  6. Gen, Org, Bio Chem Difficulty

    I took fundamentals and orgo, not bio. In my experience, Organic was way easier. It still required a lot more studying, but the content was easier to grasp. Naming, properties, reactions, shapes....

    You're right. I'm about to overload myself trying to get ahead
  8. CUNY York College Generic Nursing 2016

    I had to do the SPARC thing like 10 times before I could get it to print. I had to use chrome on a computer, let every slide play through, and clicked every single possible link. Start from the...
  9. CUNY York College Generic Nursing 2016

    Oh! Definitely get in contact with them asap. There's so much to get done in under a month. We're all stressed
  10. CUNY York College Generic Nursing 2016

    Congratulations! Did you go to orientation last

    Thank you! I signed up for their free weekly cheat-sheet but I don't I'm going to be subscribing just yet. Who knew nursing school was going to so expensive í ¾í´”í

    I just checked it out. It looks so helpful! Thanks so
  13. CUNY York College Generic Nursing 2016

    You would have to contact The Committee on Academic Standards about re-admission and I think you'll be placed on

    That's great! Was it terribly

    Hi. I am starting my nursing classes in about a month (ah!) and was wondering if anyone has used simplenursing to help them. I've seen some posts from a few years ago on here. Some were good, some...