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All Content by djksjdalksjf

  1. Help plz! Will it be worth it in the end?

    General advice is only to take on as much student debt as you will make your FIRST year working out of college. If you're going out of state anyway, apply for out of state ADN programs at community...
  2. Quarter System to Semester?

    I transferred semester credits to a quarter system. I actually received 4.5 credits for 3 credit classes. The only issue I would see happening is if it were transferring in the opposite direction. You...
  3. I'm probably worried for no reason, but it's something that is stressing me out about nursing school. Last year, I met a guy in my nursing pre reqs. He made moves and we started casually dating. I had...
  4. Thank you both for the insight. I've obviously never done nursing clinicals before (I did do CNA clinicals, and we were a very small group and had to work together a lot, but it seems like this will...
  5. If the government legalizes marijuana in the US...

    You say minimal side-effects? I work in the ED in Oregon where it is legal. We get cyclic vomiters coming in constantly (there is at least one every night, many per week) who are literally only...
  6. I don't have to read the whole post to answer your question. Don't do
  7. Is the Universe telling me something?

    Only you can say for sure. However, math and chemistry are pretty important to nursing. Maybe try an ADN program that allows you to retake pre requisites. When you failed your classes, did you seek...
  8. Am I allowed to have tattoos as a Pediatric Nurse?

    If you're going to be advance practice you can pretty much do whatever you want, obviously you would not want anything offensive. I work with doctors and PAs with tattoos, I don't see any reason why a...
  9. How many prerequisites Did you take at once?

    Chemistry, because my grade didnt count so I didn't take it as seriously and didn't read the text as much as I should have. I found anatomy incredibly easy, the physiology side of it was a bit more...
  10. How many prerequisites Did you take at once?

    Take Chemistry before you take the others. Then take 2 at a time. That's my
  11. Does nursing school matter?

    Check with the BON in the state you plan to move to that you will be allowed to take the NCLEX there after having after having attended that school with that curriculum. Based on what you said this is...
  12. Should I Keep CNA job?

    The CNA experience is valuable to have going into your first semester of nursing school. That's really it. I can't speak for everyone but every CNA I know who keeps working during nursing school only...
  13. Should I Keep CNA job?

    I guess it depends. Do you want to work at that hospital once you finish school? If so, maybe I would stay at least a full year if you haven't already. But really it's up to you. If you leave, make...
  14. A&P/Microbiology.. Help!!!!!

    Oh and Hank Green has an anatomy and physiology YouTube series that's pretty
  15. A&P/Microbiology.. Help!!!!!

    Wow if the professor is advising you not to get the text they're taking away the opportunity to even teach yourself. I got an A in the full sequence of AnP. I went to lecture, read the full chapters...
  16. A&P/Microbiology.. Help!!!!!

    Did you try...reading the
  17. Chemistry - how much is used in school?

    Chemistry is very useful when you're taking anatomy and physiology, and a little bit when taking microbiology. But just any gen chem should
  18. I'm still nervous!

    Here's the point system for my community colleges RN program: Prerequisite GPA-up to 40 points Completion of AnP series-5 points Prior degree-1 point Completion of all prerequisites(45 credits)-5...
  19. hopeful future nurse, advice needed!

    I would suggest working prior to the beginning of the program so you can be approved for your lease. If it's possible, get your parents to co-sign? It's definitely possible to work, I'm assuming you...
  20. Hello! I just took my CNA test, and I'll know in a couple of days if I passed. One of my skills was Ambulation of a client using a gait belt. I was so focused on making sure I had an underhand grasp...
  21. Oregon CNA skills test question

    I passed both the skill and exam! I got a 100% on the skill in question
  22. Oregon CNA test question

    I passed guys í
  23. Oregon CNA test question

    Hello! I just took my CNA test, and I'll know in a couple of days if I passed. One of my skills was Ambulation of a client using a gait belt. I was so focused on making sure I had an underhand grasp...
  24. Gap year before nursing school?

    If you have all of your prerequisites done and can get into the community college program, I would do that. You have all your life to be a nurse, and a gap year is nothing compared to the financial...
  25. drug testing for nursing school

    My general advice for people is to stop using drugs the moment you decide you want to be a