
School Nurse

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About aprilmoss

aprilmoss has 20 years experience and specializes in School Nurse.

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  1. aprilmoss

    Digital Records

    First off, the law is HIPAA and in most cases schools are not covered entities under HIPAA. We usually do fall under FERPA. I'm not aware of either HIPAA or FERPA mandating any specific records...
  2. aprilmoss


    I have an ancient Welch Allyn dual (oral/rectal) unit that's not been out of the cabinet in years. The one that gets used chiefly is the Welch/Braun ear thermoscan. We did pick up a few IR ones to...
  3. aprilmoss

    Do You Work at Your Kid's School?

    I worked in my kid's school starting with elementary and was able to move up as he did (mostly due to sheer luck on openings and other nurses willing to swap positions). When I got to the high...
  4. aprilmoss

    Ordering Supplies

    You can always ask your primary school nurse what she goes through. High school and middle school aren't that different. The only thing I would lay in different is perhaps some additional hygiene...
  5. aprilmoss

    Do you think schools will resume this year?

    They haven't officially called ours yet. We're slated to go back in April, but I tend to doubt it. The district is already working on "Continuity of Learning" plans with the assumption that we...
  6. Depends on the state. High speeding amounts or reckless driving in many states *IS* criminal and will result in arrest. If you're facing criminal charges even if they've not hauled you "downtown"...
  7. aprilmoss

    Which Thermometer Do You Use And Why?

    I used to keep an old mercury rectal in the cabinet just for jollies. Never used it. I switched from the W-A oral (though it did also have the red probe, again never used) to a tympanic a few...
  8. aprilmoss

    CBD Administration in School? Policy?

    In our state, a doctor can't issue a "prescription" for medical marijuana legally. The medical marijuana card approvals are just "recommendations." As a result, our policy is we can not accept a...
  9. aprilmoss

    School nurse roll in IEP + 504

    504 comes from Section 504 of the rehabilitation act that says schools can't deny services to students because they are disabled. If a student has an impairment (mental or physical) that...
  10. aprilmoss

    Another lice topic :)

    If it's not rowed, use the comb-out
  11. aprilmoss

    Vaccine Exemption letters...

    The usual argument is vaccines that use the WI-38 or MRC-5 cell lines which came from aborted fetal tissue. The Catholic church has official guidance on the six vaccines that were prepared using...
  12. aprilmoss

    Students injected with wrong item

    Wasn't a school nurse but some workers they brought in for the screening, but someone failed to read the vials and injected insulin rather than TB derivative...
  13. aprilmoss

    Head lice

    I think that's a Freudian slip. Did you mean
  14. aprilmoss

    Head lice

    Why? Read this:
  15. aprilmoss

    Narcan- Do you stock it?

    NARCAN (at least the ones I've seen) come in preload syringes like our diabetic glucagon or like epi used to before the epipens came