HalfBoiled BSN, RN

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  1. Has anyone heard this saying before? How did you respond? I cannot find any sort of policy at my institution for situations like this. I normally let this slide depending on the acuity of the...
  2. HalfBoiled

    New Grads in the ICU

    Be the role model for those new
  3. HalfBoiled

    I just graduated high school

    Depending on the type of nursing school you are applying to, start reviewing for the TEAS or HESI (or related nursing school entrance
  4. HalfBoiled

    If the government legalizes marijuana in the US...

    I would want more evidence based research articles/studies for anything marijuana
  5. I am happy with the work I do. I am unhappy with most of the people I work
  6. Definitely works! My original MedSurg unit became specialized in Oncology. We switched from 1:5 to 1:4. That allows more time to research any new patient's history. I get to be more hands on and less...
  7. HalfBoiled

    PLS... HELP

    Keep waiting for your exam. You should go on vacation in the mean
  8. HalfBoiled

    Moving to California?

    To my knowledge, you should research "endorsing your UT RN license" to California. The process takes MONTHS to
  9. HalfBoiled

    HIPAA violation?

    If i see family at the bedside, from the get-go, I would just ask "Hi ___ I just got on, and for my clarification, is it okay to discuss details about your care while family members are present?" Most...
  10. HalfBoiled

    Dispute test question??

    If the question was asking "What would be your first intervention?" Nasal Cannula would make sense. You are able to contest that question to your professor if you have other classmates with the same...
  11. If I get a Neo-Nazi patient; as long as he/she doesn't jeopardize my safety or try to trigger a reaction out of me, then I will continue to do my nursing
  12. HalfBoiled

    Iv antibiotic running as primary?

    I can understand the Emergency Department doing
  13. Are there any good come backs for snide remarks of "Well it's YOUR license then"? Especially when you're following
  14. HalfBoiled

    Hoping they fire me

    I would delete this. The AN community can be very
  15. HalfBoiled

    Epi Question (new to school nursing)

    It's better to lose a job rather than lose your