Premium membership reservations?

Nurses General Nursing


For the record, I'm not asking this in any official capacity.

I'm just wondering what kinds of things hold people back from upgrading to Premium membership. The cost? Not feeling the need to post in premium forums? Not having ever really considered it? Other reasons I haven't thought of?

Again, I'm not acting as a mod in this post. I'm just being curious. It took me about six months to upgrade. I wanted to reach a point where I felt I would be sticking around. And I wanted to see if I really felt the site was worth paying for. I guess the answer is obvious. :)

Thanks for your input.

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

I like being a Premium member so that I can personalize my posts. The new "Shouts" feature is cool as well. I went a couple of months just recently without being a premium member, and missed it. So today I upgraded again. Check out the hot, hot, HOT pic of Hugh Laurie over there. :1luvu:

Specializes in Day Surgery/Infusion/ED.

1. I have no desire to use the "Journal."

2. The "Current Events" forum is waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too skewed conservative; the few liberals that post get the hammer from the others. No thanks.

3. "The Break Room" doesn't interest me.

4. I don't like that the "Premium Members" are specially designated. I think this is offensive to people who would like to be but can't afford it. I'm sure that's not the intent, but it is still a constant reminder to those who truly can't afford the fee. I don't like some of the insinuations from others that if you don't pay the premium fee you're somehow a cheapskate. There really are people who have to watch every nickle and dime. Please respect that their financial priorites may be different.

5. Way too many banner ads. Way too many.

Specializes in Hospice,LTC,Pacu,Regulatory,Operating room.

right now i cant afford it. my 2mos old died in feb and i am doing everything i can to get caught up on bills and buy her headstone.

Specializes in Almost everywhere.

I enjoy my premium membership! I am a stay at home mom, a part-time ADN student, and I work as an LPN on weekends every other Sat and Sun so basically 4/12hour shifts a month. Needless to say, I don't have many friends and I keep my relationships at work on a professional level. I enjoy coming here to learn and to meet others. I have had many years of nursing experience and I like to share what I can and yet I appreciate soooo much the expertise of others on this site.

I am also learning more computer skills of which I do not have many...but am still enjoying the learning process.

I hope to continue my membership in future years! :D

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
right now i cant afford it. my 2mos old died in feb and i am doing everything i can to get caught up on bills and buy her headstone.

How awful. I'm so sorry. My condolences.

I don't really care about most of the premium features such as an avatar, etc...and the shoutbox thing is cute but too reminiscent of the IM games my 16 year old plays with her "peeps"....

All that aside, my main and very huge issue is money.

We are scraping by right now as I try to work full time and navigate a MSN program part time with 2 kids in school and a husband who cannot find a decent paying job where we live.

If my hubby can get the better job he has applied for...and I can get some financial aid in the fall when I qualify in terms of hours enrolled...then I will consider it. First, though, I want to reinstate my Sigma Theta Tau membership that I have had to let lapse, join another professional association or two...and oh, did I mention at some point MAYBE buy myself some basic personal needs like underwear, and get my hair cut and colored instead of trying to do it myself!!!

I appreciate what you all are doing. I wish I could help more.

Specializes in Almost everywhere.
right now i cant afford it. my 2mos old died in feb and i am doing everything i can to get caught up on bills and buy her headstone.

I am so sorry...I went back to this thread and caught this about the third time around. So thoughts and prayers are with you! :icon_hug:

right now i cant afford it. my 2mos old died in feb and i am doing everything i can to get caught up on bills and buy her headstone.

my heart goes out to you. (((((HUGS)))))

one thing I have seen and learned is that if you will find a wellspring of support on this site - we truly are united in a community of caring. Thankfully, that is not dependent on being able to afford premium membership.

Prayers and peace to you and your little one in heaven.

Specializes in Nursing assistant.
right now i cant afford it. my 2mos old died in feb and i am doing everything i can to get caught up on bills and buy her headstone.

Thank you for sharing what you are going through. We have had a loss of early pregnancy in our family this year, but I just can't imagine the hurt you must be experiencing with the loss of a child. It is such a precious connection, and I just pray for your comfort.

I think that this is an excellent site, and I love reading these boards everyday. My husband and I both lost our jobs when the factory we were working at went overseas. I'm in my second year of nursing school, and my husband still hasn't found work. Money and the cost of having to drive over 60 miles roundtrip to school are the reasons that I haven't upgraded to a premium membership. I would love to support this site because I feel that it is a valuable resource for all of us. I just don't have the money to right now. As soon as I get through school or my husband finds a job, I will definitely upgrade to a premium. There's just no money for some of the bills right now. Extras are definitely out of the question. I don't think that I've been this broke since my children were small.

To Snjoy:

I just caught your post about the death of your child. That definitely puts everything else in perspective for me. I have no right to whine about my lack of money when you are having to go through the loss of a child. My heart breaks for you and you will be in my prayers. God Bless You!

Specializes in Range of paediatric specialties.
For the record, I'm not asking this in any official capacity.

I'm just wondering what kinds of things hold people back from upgrading to Premium membership. The cost? Not feeling the need to post in premium forums? Not having ever really considered it? Other reasons I haven't thought of?

Again, I'm not acting as a mod in this post. I'm just being curious. It took me about six months to upgrade. I wanted to reach a point where I felt I would be sticking around. And I wanted to see if I really felt the site was worth paying for. I guess the answer is obvious. :)

Thanks for your input.

I feel this site is too North American. I live in a country that has a stong commitment to social medicine, and so much of this site relates to a USA/ private health care/ consumerist stance. I also find that there is a much stronger right wing ethnocentric and conservative ideology on a USA site than sits comfortably with the more pluralist ideology that I am familiar with.

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