Published Sep 7, 2014
How far along did you work the floor? My last one was until the day before delivery but it was early. I would like to work as close to due date possible but it is starting to get to where every shift causes a lot of pain.
Not_A_Hat_Person, RN
2,900 Posts
I had twins in March. Twins tend to come early, and my OB said I could go into labor as soon as 34 weeks, so I worked until 34 weeks. My babies came a week later.
Call me Al
20 Posts
I worked right up to the end and my son was born the day after I went on maternity leave. Looking back I was young and naive and very fortunate. Most of my co workers ended up with complications and struggled with preterm labor. Hospital work is hard on pregnancy.
281 Posts
I had to go on light duty with my last... But I guess my boss didn't clear it through HR. So after doing 4 weeks of light duty, HR said I couldn't work anymore until I filled out all sorts of paperwork. Went the next week to beg my CNM to let me go back to regular duty...she agreed since I was almost 36 weeks and I insisted I had to work up till I delivered! Sent the paperwork in to HR on Friday so that I could go back that coming Monday. My water broke and I delivered the next day (4weeks early). I'm pretty sure the stress of that week was what made me go early (since my other 2 were late)!
Good luck!!!
OrganizedChaos, LVN
1 Article; 6,883 Posts
I was working at a jail that was an hour away & ended up quitting once I found out I was pregnant. It was a surprise pregnancy & once I found out I was pregnant I was sick & I had complications due to my epilepsy. I tried to go back to an old job but it it just wasn't working out.
My husband worked at the same place I tried to go back to but he worked 12s & I worked 8s so we couldn't drive together. Eventually I just quit working all together & that was close to my second trimester. It turned out to be a good thing I quit because I did go into preterm labor & was put on best rest.
Alicia777, MSN, NP
329 Posts
#1 I went into labor at home at 39/2 after a 10 hr shift and with my second it was a scheduled section, much more pleasant. Just listen to your body! Congrats !
382 Posts
I was doing manual greenhouse work with my first pregnancy. Got off at 5:30, and baby was born at 8. Didn't realize I was in labor . . . thought my back was just aching from leaning over a 4' greenhouse bench pulling plants all day! (He was born on the BR floor in triage.) Still in greenhouses with 2nd and worked usual day. She was born at home! Wish I could've taken off a couple weeks earlier but couldn't afford it.
554 Posts
Iwas pregnant with twins and worked 12 hour nights on a busy med surg floor. I was 39 weeks and 3 days, worked Friday night gave birth Saturday night.
389 Posts
I went out at 36 weeks. He was almost 2 weeks late so I had about 6 weeks off. I don't regret it though! Got lots of sleep, prepared for baby, had weekly OB appts and acupuncture. I didn't feel bored at all. I didn't go back to that job after having him (have been staying home now for almost 2 years) so the FMLA time wasn't an issue.