Published May 16, 2007
853 Posts
Any suggestions? Gift cards seem so boring.
51 Posts
I am sometimes a preceptor. So I can make suggestions here.
If nothing else a sincere thank you and tell them they did a good job for you. They like to hear it too.
Food. Always great for a tired nurse.
I would hold off on the cutesy nursey gifts like figurines. Most of us aren't that into that.
Chapstick, hand lotion, and candy in a little gift bag.
Home made goody bag - like cookies, brownies etc.
And I can't say this enough, tell them how well they did for you. I don't expect an actual gift for taking the time with you, I expect a thank you that sounds sincere and a attaboy. We don't get enough pats on the back either.
53 Posts
When ive had a preceptor ive found really helpful i will write them a card and bake them something- usually a cake or some cookies that they can share with other staff. They always seem to appreciate it :)
CityKat, BSN, RN
554 Posts
I just finished my nursing internship and I had two preceptors. I spent $50 total on the both of them. I bought one of them a $25 gift card from Sephora and gave it to her the day before mothers day, because I thought it would give her something nice to do for herself as a new mommie. The second one, I bought her some Pete's Sumatra coffee and a nice travel mug because she drinks a lot of coffee. Hope that helps:)
biker nurse
230 Posts
My preceptor seemed touched when I gave her a willow tree education angel. I've never known anyone to dislike a willow tree
AirforceRN, RN
611 Posts
Baked can never go wrong
Booze (not real professional but appreciated)
Gift card to a restuarant
abundantjoy07, RN
740 Posts
I just got mine a card. And the 6 other nurses that kind of took me in.
My preceptorship wasn't really "strict." I think I did everything with about 6 nurses equally. The whole environment was really laid back so it was easy and fun.
My real preceptor bought me a bracelet with a heart on it and inscribed the name of the hospital and "ER" on it.
I was surprised because I wasn't expecting anything. I mean, really. I didn't have the $ for gifts and stuff. Besides where does it say you have to buy gifts? What happened to a thank you and a card?
I've never been big on gift giving in the professional relm. I'm one of the only people that never contributes to gifts for clinical instructors. I figure it's their job.
The most I've ever given are the cards for my preceptor(s).
Tough cookies.
49 Posts
Geez.I just got mine a card. And the 6 other nurses that kind of took me in. My preceptorship wasn't really "strict." I think I did everything with about 6 nurses equally. The whole environment was really laid back so it was easy and fun.My real preceptor bought me a bracelet with a heart on it and inscribed the name of the hospital and "ER" on it.I was surprised because I wasn't expecting anything. I mean, really. I didn't have the $ for gifts and stuff. Besides where does it say you have to buy gifts? What happened to a thank you and a card? I've never been big on gift giving in the professional relm. I'm one of the only people that never contributes to gifts for clinical instructors. I figure it's their job.The most I've ever given are the cards for my preceptor(s).Tough cookies.
Surely you returned the favor for the bracelet your preceptor got you? I plan on giving those people a gift or something when they do fine by me, that's the very least I can do for someone helping me secure my future.
psalm, RN
1,263 Posts
If you find in conversation that she/he doesn't have the book "Chicken soup for the nurses' soul" you might consider that. I got one for my preceptor 5 years ago and she was really surprised I got her anything. She has enjoyed it.
55 Posts
usually for our clinical instructors we have always donated toward a group gift anywhere from $3-10. This quarter since we had preceptors it was strange for me to figure out what to do. I simply wanted to show appreciation ,but not go overboard. I ended up giving my preceptor 2 movie tickets and a nice card. Another of my fellow SNs typed up a letter from 3 of us to the whole floor since they really were very inviting and helpful to us and we brought in food for the floor. On the other hand, I know of students who gave $50 gift cerificates for stores and restaurants.