Hi I'm new to this
I saw the site and read through a few convos and found it very helpful so I figured I would get more info if I ask my own questions.
I'm a pre-nursing student at a community college i've done pretty much most of my pre-reqs and have like 6-7 classes left b4 i apply to a nursing program(whic i havent decided) so here are my questions:
1) my current gpa is 3.02 and thats without my micro and chem is that a bad gpa cause it is competion out there in the "nursing world" and im not sure if i may be able to get in
2) I havent chose a school yet...its a bit hard cause of school requirements differ from one another and trying to satify all of them is driving me NUTS!!! my question is when decided the decidin school what do yall look for( ex. would u pick a 2yr vs a 3yr program or a high well known school vs a low not well know school ex emory vs columbus state)
3) if you dont have a volunteer experience, would your appl. be okay??
4) payment expensive is it REALLY?? i know its alot but how much is a lot!??
pls and thank you :)