Pre-Nursing Nurse Camp!!!!!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


i'm super psyched!!! i just graduated from high school on june the 11th and i am that much closer to nursing school next fall and that much closer to becoming a nurse!!! as i have posted on other forums i am completing my pre-reqs starting this summer till next summer. next week, june 22-25th, my local cc's nursing program is hosting its 2nd annual camp s.c.r.u.b.s nurse camp. i was a member of the charting class of campers and they've invited all of us original campers to return as 2nd year campers along with more first year campers.

this program is so amazing. during nurse camp we learn more about the nursing profession and get to wear scrubs and stethoscopes etc... and learn nursing skills and about other allied health profession, although the program focuses on those going into nursing. each camper is paired with one or two current nursing student(s) who teach us different nursing skills and concepts. for instance, last year, we learned how to do heart and lung assessment (via auscultation), im injections, birthing procedures (we got to see the manikin in the skilled nursing lab have a baby and help wit the delivery), sterile procedures, proper hand-washing, we dissected a sheep heart and brain etc.. it was amazing!!! of course we, since we are not yet in ns, can't do all of these things outside of the camp with the nursing instructors and students in their highly advanced nursing lab (it is set up just like a hospital with several manikins that can be controlled electronically to have a baby, code, wheeze, go into cardiac arrest etc...), but they do this just to give us a taste of what we will learn in school and do as a nurse.

this program also helps you with knowing what to do to apply to that schools nursing program and what classes to take in hs or college (the program is for hs jr.s and sr.s and those just graduating from hs like me.) i just wanted to let all of that excitement out!!! i'm so ready, this year all of the returning campers get a chance to learn more advanced nursing skills and more biology experiments!!! yay!!!!! as always is there any advice from you guys for an aspiring nurse. thanks in advance.

Let me just say, that sounds like an AWESOME program and I am super excited for you and the other people who get to participate in that camp! I am a first semester nursing student, and I wish I had that opportunity myself!!

While those are all wonderful things, I suggest you really soak it all in and truely commit that stuff to memory and practice, practice, practice!!

However, the one thing the camp can't unfortunately teach you is how to study for your actual nursing classes. While everyone is different, and you may actually have no problem in NS whatsoever (which I honestly hope is the case for you - I would never want the opposite to be true for someone who is seems to really want to be a nurse like you do), BUT, skills are only a part of the whole NS picture... there's a book called "Mosby's Guide to Nursing School" and there's a 2010 updated version - I suggest you look at it and try your hardest to ask NS students what their advice to you is for success.

We were told before classes began "You never know what it's like unitl you're in it" and it's SO TRUE! I had no clue what the work load really was like and now I've got to either salvage this first semester, or chalk it up to experience, learn from my big mistakes, and try again in the fall (which isn't the worst thing that could happen, and I won't be the first, nor the last person to do that).

Anyway, sorry for the long reply, just wanted to comment with my thoughts.

Again, that sounds like an awesome camp and please take FULL advantage of it!! And STUDY STUDY STUDY when you get in NS :-.D


Specializes in Operating Room.

If only all colleges offered a Nurse Camp! I, for one, am jealous. I already work in a hospital but I definitely don't get to see anything neat like manikins delivering babies, etc.!

Way to go! Have fun! :-)

Specializes in CCU MICU Rapid Response.

Patrick, I hope that camp rocks for you as much as it did last year! Have a great time, and make sure to come back and tell us about it! We will be waiting! :) Ivanna

Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.
Let me just say, that sounds like an AWESOME program and I am super excited for you and the other people who get to participate in that camp! I am a first semester nursing student, and I wish I had that opportunity myself!!

While those are all wonderful things, I suggest you really soak it all in and truely commit that stuff to memory and practice, practice, practice!!

However, the one thing the camp can't unfortunately teach you is how to study for your actual nursing classes. While everyone is different, and you may actually have no problem in NS whatsoever (which I honestly hope is the case for you - I would never want the opposite to be true for someone who is seems to really want to be a nurse like you do), BUT, skills are only a part of the whole NS picture... there's a book called "Mosby's Guide to Nursing School" and there's a 2010 updated version - I suggest you look at it and try your hardest to ask NS students what their advice to you is for success.

We were told before classes began "You never know what it's like unitl you're in it" and it's SO TRUE! I had no clue what the work load really was like and now I've got to either salvage this first semester, or chalk it up to experience, learn from my big mistakes, and try again in the fall (which isn't the worst thing that could happen, and I won't be the first, nor the last person to do that).

Anyway, sorry for the long reply, just wanted to comment with my thoughts.

Again, that sounds like an awesome camp and please take FULL advantage of it!! And STUDY STUDY STUDY when you get in NS :-.D


Thank you so much for the heads-up. Even though I just graduated I've been reading nursing books and reseraching nursing since the summer before my Junior year. My mother went to NS when I was 9 and I saw how she took her nursing books everywhere she went even when we went out to eat. After she graduated and passed the NCLEX she saved her books and I have been looking thorugh them even though she graduated in 2000 and they're old. My cousin also recently graduated and is set to take the NCLEX in July. I bonded with her while I helping her study while in school.

Also, I just got an Amazon Kindle2 (an awesome E-book reader) and I can order books on nursing or books period for a lot cheaper than buying a physical book, so I have a few. I have one called Your guide for getting into and through nursing school. I also have a few physical more up to date nursing books like All ThingsNursing, andFundamentals of

Nursing Made incredibly Easy! I have picked up my mother and cousins habits already of taking my books for my summer prereq classes with me. I think I am the only person who studies for nursing school before I get in. I am also the only person who reads books on nursing for leisure. (that might change during NS) I also am studying for my CNA exam on July 17th.

My mother and cousin and the nursing students and nursing staff at nurse camp have informed me of the rigorous studying and preparations ande patience required for nursing. Thanks for your help. I think I will buy that book on my kindle. Hope all goes well with school. It important that you tell people, especially those who wish to be nurses, about the hard and not so pretty side of nursing school, so their not shocked. Thanks again. I do realize that I will never trully know what it is fully like until I am actually there, and I hope I make it.

Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.

Ok here's the update on how Nurse Camp went.

Since we were second year students, we got more info on other allied health careers and how nurses work along with them. Nurse camp is held at the CC's Health Sciences Building so we went to the Respiatory Therepy Lab/ Class and learned what they do and practiced some RT skills like intubation, flow meter tests etc... We then got to get one a regular ambulance and learn what paramedics and EMT's do and then we got on a Critical Care Ambualnce truck and learned the differences beteween a regualr paramedic and a Critical Care Paramedic (in NC). The lady who taught us about the EMS careers also gave us our first aid certification for free since most of us in the class had our CPR certifcation from taking the Allied Health class in HS that prepares us to take the CNA exam. We learned about the school Surg Tech progam and what they do where we got to scrub up (we learned a 10 minute scrub) and go into the Health Sciences building's simulated operating room. Surprisingly the guy who taught the surg tech class was a surg tech for 8 years and then go his BSN. We also learned the nurses role in the OR as we stood in on a Mach Operation. We then learned advanced wound care like dreesing a stage IV wound or a wound with tunneling etcc. WE then did trach care and did suctioning on the trach tude placed in the larynx. We also played different games and had the annual lock-in at the local health center where we go from 10pm to 6am and learn what nurses do on the night shift and we have to stay up stay up all night. We learned everything through physically active games and swimming and eating. It was so fun and I really enjoyed it. The nursing students that they paired all of us up with this year were so fun at both camp and at the lock-in. Oh and sorry they didn't cover paragraphs this year. maybe they will next year, I 'll be shore to mention it. ( to my first posters) Lolz!!!! Thanks for your support, encouragement, and interest guys!!!! :)

Sorry for all the errors it's late am i'm tired. :)

Specializes in Nursing Education.

Lol! I'm glad you still have your sense of humor PatMac10!

That really sounds awesome. I was an OR nurse, so I'm especially glad they gave you the run-down on what it's like to work in an OR. And at some hospitals, RNs get to do both circulating AND scrubbing (although that's becoming less common now with surg techs becoming more popular).

Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.
Here's to hoping they cover paragraphs!

I was just reading over my old posts from when I first joined allnurses. I was 17 and eager. I'm 20 now and I've grown so much. I just wanted let everyone know that whoever made the statement above, that your unquestionably rude and unnecessary comment didn't phase me. I just turned 20 and I will be graduating from nursing school in 6 months. The youngest in my class and one of 2 males. I have no kids, have never been in trouble, and never did drugs, unlike so many of the people I went to the camp and school with. My 1st semester of NS I made it into phi theta kappa and national technical honor society (of which im president). My class started with 52 people trying to be RNs and there are now 18 of us, and in still making it!

So I'm sorry to report that we did not cover paragraphs at nurse camp. Not that it mattered, seeing as I had the top entrance essay for the program anyway! ;D

I just want to say thank you for coming back to update this post, I read the entire thread and even before I got to your update you posted today, I was amazed and inspired, TRULY INSPIRED, by your enthusiasm as a young student who had their head on their shoulders, knew what they wanted, and went for it. I am older than you are, and you are a true inspiration. THANK YOU for keeping your head up, keeping your happy and enthusiastic spirit alive and not letting the negativity get you down. 6 months until you graduate? CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you, please always keep that amazing attitude that you have and never let anyone take it from you!

Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.
I just want to say thank you for coming back to update this post, I read the entire thread and even before I got to your update you posted today, I was amazed and inspired, TRULY INSPIRED, by your enthusiasm as a young student who had their head on their shoulders, knew what they wanted, and went for it. I am older than you are, and you are a true inspiration. THANK YOU for keeping your head up, keeping your happy and enthusiastic spirit alive and not letting the negativity get you down. 6 months until you graduate? CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you, please always keep that amazing attitude that you have and never let anyone take it from you!

Wow..... Thanks!!!! I wish the best for you as well.

Congrats PatMac10! Your story is inspiring and thank you for keeping us informed on your progress in nursing school. There are not too many people your age with this much focus and enthusiasm for learning. Thank you again.

Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.
Congrats PatMac10! Your story is inspiring and thank you for keeping us informed on your progress in nursing school. There are not too many people your age with this much focus and enthusiasm for learning. Thank you again.

Thanks! I will!

Specializes in Nursing Education.

Wow, I remember when you first posted this thread and I can't believe how long it's been since then! Thanks for the update, that is awesome that you have come so far. Congrats on only 6 months left!

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