Prayer for my son


Specializes in Med-Surg, LTC, Rehabiliation Nursing.

Hi everyone,

I would like to request prayers and positive energy for my 8 year old son.

Sunday night he let me know that he was feelilng dizzy every time he bent over. I thought, Hmmm, thats odd. I checked his neck for swollen glands, thinking that there might be an ear infection going on. Found a large mass, defined borders and filled with fluid, not solid. Very painful, also.

Sooo, Pediatrician on Monday, with CBC, Chem profile and a Sed rate after,

today an x-ray and an ultrasound, and Friday go to the ENT surgical specialist. Worried much???????

With the grace of God it will be a cyst and nothing more. I very much believe in the power of prayer and good energy, and am asking for any good thoughts you can come up with to be sent my way.

Thanks all so much.

Will keep you posted.


Specializes in Peds Cardiology,Peds Neuro,Pedi ER,PICU, IV Jedi.

Ohh Kristy....I'm so sorry to hear about your son!!! Let's hope for something truly benign.

My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!!


hoping all turns out okay

i wish you the best and i will be praying for you

My prayers are with you, Hope everything is well.... i will also put your sons name on our prayer list

prayers for you both

Specializes in Med-Surg, ER, TRAUMA!!.

We will keep you and your family in our prayers. My husband and I two boys, 14 and 8. Since we are both RNs, we know the worry of possibilities when you find something on assessment. We pray for good news from the MD and a speedy recovery. Keep us posted!

Prayers going up. I know how hard it is to wait, especially when we know as much as we do.

Keep us posted, Kristy. My fingers are crossed for you.

i am so glad that yo caught this quickly

prayers for good outcome on tests

how did his labs come back? and the tests?

i will certainly be praying for a positive outcome.

yes, please keep us posted.

wishing you peace.


My prayer is that you and he and the family will be free from worry, have peace of mind that your professional skills will have served to protect him from serious illness, and confidence that no matter the dx, you will all prevail.

Good vibes coming your way...

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Specializes in Peds.

I have sent up a little prayer for you and your son. I hope everything goes okay......

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