Portage Chemistry 121

Nursing Students Online Learning

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Just signed up and ready to dig in for this. Any else taking this? Would love to complete it before the Summer. "Hopefully" my FNP program is on me each semseter about getting it completed (never had a Chemistry since high school). Anyways DM me if you have any advice or are going down this same path.

Sorry that nobody answer your question im assuming you had completed the course, I was about to take that one next month and was wondering how you did in the course. Can you tell me how the exams were and the how was the LAB portion? nervous to take the class since I don't do well in exam but is the only way I have to take it since im overseas and I need to apply for ABSN by next year so I need to take this course online unfortunately. I hope to get an answer soon from you. Thanks and I hope you go in to your FNP program.

I took Essentials of Nutrition from Portage Learning and received an A(I finished the class in exactly 7 days). I also took A&P I. Every university I’ve contacted accepts the credits because Geneva College is regionally accredited. YMMV.

On 10/22/2019 at 7:50 PM, maddyg7 said:

Sorry that nobody answer your question im assuming you had completed the course, I was about to take that one next month and was wondering how you did in the course. Can you tell me how the exams were and the how was the LAB portion? nervous to take the class since I don't do well in exam but is the only way I have to take it since im overseas and I need to apply for ABSN by next year so I need to take this course online unfortunately. I hope to get an answer soon from you. Thanks and I hope you go in to your FNP program.

I just finished Chem 103 and it was horrible...down right horrible so I can only imagine a higher chem. I eventually found three Youtube channels that saved my life and actually had 75% of my exact homework equations on them. I’m sure that they go over Chem 121 on the channels. Let me know if you need them. I also took Nutrition and Stats through portage and they were Uber easy.

4 hours ago, NnekaBaby said:

I just finished Chem 103 and it was horrible...down right horrible so I can only imagine a higher chem. I eventually found three YouTube channels that saved my life and actually had 75% of my exact homework equations on them. I’m sure that they go over Chem 121 on the channels. Let me know if you need them. I also took Nutrition and Stats through portage and they were Uber easy.

@ nnekababy..oh, no see that's what i was afraid of that is going to be hard i heard from other source that its harder online in this online course than it would be for on face to face class. i only need to take one CHEM with lab and i cant afford to fail.

what area did you find most challenging, was it the quizzes, lab work , midterm, or final?

also i though that you get assigned to a professor to help you if you didn't understand the lesson that was giving?

well the good thing you pass. Now i need guide anything you can tell me to get through this online CHEM would greatly appreciated. Thanks.

The lab was easy. The course not so much. It was so hard. I would not have made it without certain youtube channels, chegg.com (the best money that I've spent all year) and SILENCE while studying. You can e-mail me, [email protected]

Specializes in Chemistry/Physics Teacher at a community college..
On 11/23/2019 at 9:59 AM, NnekaBaby said:

The lab was easy. The course not so much. It was so hard. I would not have made it without certain Youtube channels, chegg.com (the best money that I've spent all year) and SILENCE while studying. You can e-mail me, [email protected]

I recommend students watch Youtube videos--it is a great resource. I provide a list of links to good videos for all my online courses.

HI! I just started Chemistry through portage yesterday. I have to finish it (along with anatomy 2 on portage) by August 21. Do you guys think that is doable? How long did it take you to complete each module? A little bit overwhelmed currently by the amount of stuff needed to complete (each module lesson, module practice problems, module exam, lab work, lab exam, etc...) Literally any insight would be helpful. Thank you guys so much!

Specializes in Chemistry/Physics Teacher at a community college..
2 hours ago, emilycone said:

HI! I just started Chemistry through portage yesterday. I have to finish it (along with anatomy 2 on portage) by August 21. Do you guys think that is doable? How long did it take you to complete each module? A little bit overwhelmed currently by the amount of stuff needed to complete (each module lesson, module practice problems, module exam, lab work, lab exam, etc...) Literally any insight would be helpful. Thank you guys so much!

If the Chemistry at Portage does not work out for you, please let me know as I can offer the Chemistry class that you need.



Have you finished Chemistry? I have one more module and one more lab then I am done!

Specializes in Pre-nursing.

What were the Youtube channels suggested?


Hey do you guys know which Chemistry course on portage is equivalent to taking organic chem ?

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