PLS help me w this very cheap HA I am pay per visit below pls


Specializes in ED, Behavioral Health, Home Health.

I have had no formal training at aHHA I have been working w for the last 4 months. I have been a nurse for the last 10 yrs, BSN. Did ER private duty, iv therapy. 4 yrs ago had a child and decided to take time off. Was extremely fearful no one would hire me but this agency did. I have been just plugging along and trying to research as much as possible. The RN I replaced was unabl e to stay to train me so the owner took me out on visits. Currently I am paid 35 for sup visits and 75 for comp. Assessment although recently he has stated he would like me to sign a W4. Anyways, is difficult to learn something when you don't know it. I am only staying there for some experience and then I will move forwatd. He has a temp license that exp in jan 2015 but is snedingin the forms for the state to come next wk!!! With Wi state whomever it is that will be visiting us. I am so scared. 2 wks Ago learned that I am the assistant director of nursing. I have been responsible for the comprehensive assessments for the PCW side of nursing but spend very little time in office except to enter cts ADL info into what I believe is the Long term care functional screen. And I also do the 60 day sup visits. the DON is the only other nurse. She does the skilled side of nursing care which I have been told I will be learning. The owner is always in the office but only pays an he here or there unless it's a mtg. I told him my concern.He says" do you know how you do your assessments do tou feell confident?" I said I dont know wjat I dont know.Asked if I could pls spend time in office reviewing P&Ps and to get inf. Control manual in order..can anyone tell me what I should do as far as how to negotiate w the owner and to find out more info ? I feel like he is trying to hide things from me in order to not pay me or does not value nurses. The DON is about to leave. She is nice enough to stay. But only works T&R. HE HAS TOLD ME TO READ THE WI FORWARD HEALTH WEB PAGE AND I will be fine. I am struggling enough just getting my time mngmt in order and figure out how to get around the city, chart according to standards. It is very part time but I am the Guardian for my mom who has a brain injury and always needs me to talk or has some new problem. Please share anything you feel is pertinent to this situation. I don't know many Home health nurses and feel like I should just know this.

It sounds a little shady to mean and I would leave the position immediately to protect my own license.

Halfway through your post I decided if it were me, I would get out of there.


OP, a friend of mine served 5 years in a federal prison because of similar situation. The home-care owner was exonerated while my friend went to jail. Nowadays, she finds it very hard to find any job in Nursing. Psychologically and physically, she is so messed up.

OP, please give your resignation today and RUN!!! You will LOSE your license or end up in jail.

OP, a friend of mine served 5 years in a federal prison because of similar situation.

What was/were the specific charge(s) that resulted in this?

Specializes in ED, Behavioral Health, Home Health.

Oh my goodness! I did not expect that type of responses I just feel so stupid right now for even staying at that job. What could i potentially tell the employer to do in order to fix the situation. I have been researching and researching nursing in home health, but it just doesn't seem correct what he is doing. . I think I will stay until I find another position. At least I now have recent nursing experience. I just don't know what I really want to do. Thank you so much for your insught/help!!!! I will be meeting w the mock survey person tmrw. Anyone interested in hearing what transpires? I am applying to new positions tonight!!! THANKS AGAIN. Please cont to share any info you know about situations similar to this. Thank you.

Specializes in ED, Behavioral Health, Home Health.

I will also make sure to speak to him regarding my concerns tomorrow and make a list with all the things that I feel I wrong. I just wish I had the confidence that I used to have but it was years ago. I may sound naive and dumb but I got multiple awards in the past and did great. Do any of you have experience entering the nursing field after time off? How long did it take to get back in the groove. I am 33 so it's not like my career is over, right??? I enjoy he care, I think it's a smart area to be in and is not too hard on your body. The paperwork and pay are the areas that confuse me the most. And by pay I mean how one should be paid for their time and what is the best way to make money. Not that it's all about the financial aspect. :)

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
I am so scared. 2 wks Ago learned that I am the assistant director of nursing. I have been responsible for the comprehensive assessments for the PCW side of nursing but spend very little time in office except to enter cts ADL info into what I believe is the Long term care functional screen.

What was your compensation for this responsibility?

Do you have a copy of the requirements and expectations for this position?

Did you sign any document in which you agreed to that level of responsibility?

If I were you I would be speaking to an attorney now.

What was/were the specific charge(s) that resulted in this?

Conspiracy to defraud Medicare.

Specializes in nurseline,med surg, PD.

Apply to other HH agencies and make sure you get adequate orientation.

Specializes in ED, Behavioral Health, Home Health.

I do not have a copy of my role as ADON. My payment is just the amt I listed aboce. $35 sup visits and $75 comprehensive asssessments/ renewals. I found out today he considers $25 of that for mileage. It was through a agree birds that I would be paid $30 for office time. Granted this was wanted he just needed someone to fill in for him when he went out of town for a few days. I have no copys of this. I was very pleased to learn the mock surveyor is an RN who really seemed to undestand all of the issues I have. Although I work primarily just for Personal care service cts, the state is coming for skilled nursing only. I just spoke to the DON who has decided to give her 2wks. She said she just can't keep herself there because all the things the mock surveyor stated she had said to the owner in the past and he brushed her off.ex. keeping diabetic care cts past time of dc. Per "A" I am an employee. "A"( the owners nickname, just first initial. "A" is just very cheap. He just doesn't respect the nurses or PCWs. He says he is an honest man but in reality an honest person doesn't have to tell me they are honest. I am going to keep looking at what other opportunities are out there. If he is willing to pay me to train in skilled care and pay me for being the ADON along with allowing me to fulfill the role to the full extent then maybe I will cont. He spoke of pay structure. He may change it to 20 hrs a wk and have me come in the office for the time I not doing visits.

I very curious to find out more info about the nurse who had lost her license and went to prison. Home health is much more complicated than many nurses think. Are there any ADON out there that could give me a list of what you do? What is a good hourly wage a visit nurse should be paid in home health? I think in the next wk, I will begin to see the bigger picutre.

Again thank you to all who have given their advice. I am listening and wish I could just quit but need the money. I am looking into contacting legal assistance but am unsure whom to call. I plan to call dept of labor tomorrow

Specializes in ED, Behavioral Health, Home Health.

Excuse all my darn typos. :writing:I thought getting the Note 3 phone would prevent me from making so many spelling grammatical errors w it's big screen, but I still am not writing as well as I should be. Guess phone size does not matter.

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