please help me!

Nurses General Nursing


i'm thinking of studying nursing but i am not tall. i stand just 4 feet and 11 inches. Will it matter when i apply for a job?

I currently work wit two RN's now that are of your size and the main thing they ask of me is to hang their IV bags on the pole. I sure help others with more than that. I just want you to know what you are doing and I hope you like it, so study hard and enjoy nursing. One of the best nurses I knew only had one arm, the other stopped at the elbow, she was a peds nurse and could start an IV with the best of us. The only thing holding you back is you.

Specializes in ER,OR.
i'm thinking of studying nursing but i am not tall. i stand just 4 feet and 11 inches. Will it matter when i apply for a job?

I have never heard that persons height would matter while applying to a job.. So relax my friend and just start your studies ;)

hi. some of our schools and hospitals in the phil have height requirements. but as far as i know it is not strictly followed. i have friends who are not tall also and it didnt hamper them from getting into nursing schools and finishing their degrees. be anxious only at first with the height issue but channel that worry into positive outcomes. hey, you might be the smallest among the group but you might as well be the sharpest nurse around. and besides there are the nursing aides to help us out. you will also learn in nursing school that no matter how tall or muscular a nurse is it would be useless if he/she doesnt use good body mechanics . there is also a lot to nursing than performing procedures that require physical effort, nursing requires critical thinking, nursing is an art! (what are foot stools for right?!) :idea:

height won't matter as much as your performance in school and clinical areas would. so i say if u really are interested in nursing, go for it! it's a noble profession and im sure you'll love it.


just think of our national hero if anything gets you down


Specializes in Emergency.

It's not going to be a problem.

i'm thinking of studying nursing but i am not tall. i stand just 4 feet and 11 inches. Will it matter when i apply for a job?

When I read you post, my first reaction was " What kind of question is that?"

Then when I looked at your country of origin, I realiazed that I had to consider your point of view.

Your post implies that the social norm in your culture emphasizes physical characteristics, like height, when it comes to career related decisions. Being one of culturally competent nurses here, I understand your concern. Here in the U.S.A., it does not matter whatever is height or physical disability for as long as you are able to do the responsibilities required for the job that you are being hired.

So the answer to your question is it really depends where do you plan to work when you become an RN --Over there, Here or somewhere else?

Good luck !

I've had a patient once, brought in from another floor by the transporter. She looked at me and and said: "But you are so tiny!" I am 5'4", 110 pounds, definitely not the big one, but not really "tiny". I answered I am big enough to do my job right, and made transporter chuckle.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Thats tall compared to this one nurse I work with. Short in stature but carries herself largely. Dont ever make her mad or call her shorty.

Hey Nicepanda! I have lots of classmates that stands shorter than you but they are doing good! You are doing fine Nicepanda and if u really have the heart for Nursing, some good things will happen in the future.

I didn't expect all of these replies... :) Thank you for all your help. It's a relief to know that it does not really matter. I know it was a silly question to ask but it seriously bothered me a lot. Thank you guys :)

I stand 4ft 11in..barely. I weigh in at a heafty (said sarcastically) 93lbs. I've been a CNA and done my share of lifting..some pretty LARGE patients without a problem. I am also an EMT and my partner stands 6ft 8in tall!! Its comical watching us lift the stretcher with a patient on it.

I'm in nursing school now and I have had no problems with my height. One of my instructors is a bit shorter than I am.

No worries on your height. Of course you will get the "how short ARE you?" and are you big enough to life me? comments. My reply (tongue in cheek) "I guess we are about to find out"

wow thanks... that's really a comfort :) what year are you now in nursing?

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