Please help me with a decision



I was accepted into an accel. BSN program in Pennyslvania for the spring of 2004. I already have a BS in Business and wasn't happy with my career path. I was a nurses aide for a while and liked it so that is why I decided on nursing but now I am having doubts. I have talked to alot of nurses and they wouldn't recommend the career. I think there are so many opportunties. I am also attracted to other healthcare field careers like physical therapy, occupational therapy and ultrasound. What should I do? I want to make the right decision.

to another person that asked the same thing

I would suggest some options that you may want to consider. I of course do not know your financial situation or how long you would look at going to school.

There are many other careers in the medical field that are not as physically demanding but require a degree. Respiratory therapy, dieticians, ultrasonographor, radialogy tech, Speech therapy, social worker, all of these can be done and the annual salaries are equal to or greater than for RN.

Well as you can tell by my user ID I am not too happy with nursing right now.

If I had it to do over again I would be a Dental Hygenist. No weekends, no holidays, day shifts only and great pay!

Regardless of what career you ask that question of you are always going to find people who positively love their career, and those that abhor their chosen profession.

I love my job, my fellow staff are amazing, and I have yet to muddle through a day that I haven't learned something new. There are good days, there are bad days, and there have even been days where I have questioned myself on my own chosen path.....but I know that I would never trade my trials and tribulations in for something less challenging, less demanding, or less rewarding.

I guess what Im trying to get at is that for me nursing isnt' just a job, its an adventure, a challenge and you have to be ready to take it on.

(( just as an added tidbit.....I worked in Forestry/Wildlife Biology for a few years before diving into nursing, and I rarely look back))

vashka25 I agree completely with your post. I wish I was as happy as a nurse as you are. But you are right-on, no matter what profession there are people who are happy with it and people who are not.

I guess it comes down to weighing out the good and bad aspects of what ever your profession is and knowing what you can and cannot deal with.


Specializes in Critical Care, ER.

I say trust your instincts. Every person is a unique individual who brings a unique set of expectations and abilities to nursing.

You can browse this BB for discussions on some of the systemic "issues" in nursing but the only way to tell if it's for you is to go and do it. I think that due to your CNA experience you probably already have a good idea of what the challenges are- but if that isn't satisfying, you can always contact a nearby hospital and arrange to shadow an RN for a day before your program starts.

Another option would be to get your nursing degree and use it in conjunction with your business backround in a niche field such as management, law etc.

Originally posted by nurse unhappy

Well as you can tell by my user ID I am not too happy with nursing right now.

If I had it to do over again I would be a Dental Hygenist. No weekends, no holidays, day shifts only and great pay!

To this I say it is never too late as a nurse you are more than qualified to be a dental hygenist just find a place willing to train you

Originally posted by nurse unhappy

Well as you can tell by my user ID I am not too happy with nursing right now.

If I had it to do over again I would be a Dental Hygenist. No weekends, no holidays, day shifts only and great pay!

Being a dental hygienist myself, I can vouch for the things nurse unhappy said. However, we put up with a lot of crap in our career too. It is not as easy as it appears...BELIEVE ME! It's a LOT more than "just cleaning teeth". There's also a lot more monotony in dental hygiene than in nursing.

And, here I am, considering becoming an RN. Go figure! LOL Just goes to show you ALL careers have pros and cons.

Our education background is similar to RN's too. We had to take the same pre-req courses, as well as clinicals and state board exams.

Angel, RDH, BSDH

Originally posted by CCU NRS

To this I say it is never too late as a nurse you are more than qualified to be a dental hygenist just find a place willing to train you

I am sorry, but I disagree here. (No offense meant.) As I said in my previous post, I am a dental hygienist. Nursing and dental hygiene are NOT very similar.

Also, dental hygienists are not "trained". It is a university education...4 yrs. for an associate's degree (counting 2 yrs. pre-reqs) and 5-6 yrs. for a bachelor's degree. Just like RN's, we take state board exams (although we have written and one clinical) and obtain a professional license that must be maintained with CE hrs.

Angel, RDH, BSDH

This topic comes up over and over again. Usually, some arguments and disagreements come along with it. Some who are unhappy in nursing are accused of being negative, burnt out hags- "glass half empty" people. Those who say they are happy in it, are sometimes thought to be in denial- looking at nursing through rose-colored glasses.

If you search the threads and posts under this heading ("Would you recommend nursing as a career?") you will find many opinions on the topic to help you decide.

Funny, I looked at dental hygiene as a way to get out of nursing and still remain in health care. No jobs in DH in my area, though.:D (clean teeth smile, lol)

Hellllllo Nurse,

I don't know why, but there have been little to no hygiene jobs here in NM recently either. That is why I started my own business...a dental hygiene temp. agency. I'm my only employee right now, and business has been slow with this too...just another reason for me to consider nursing.

What I would really like to do right now is find a PT hygiene job in a hospital dental clinic. Then, I'd have possible connections with local RN's.



my mom is an aide and has been for most of my 24 years, although on and off she worked in other professions.

I remember growing up thinking I could never and would never do that , become an aide or work in the nursing profession.

Here I am a former marketing major now an stna studying to be an rn. go figure.

My logic was I wanted to do something with my life that fulfilled me and my family as well. I felt guilty about being away from my children in my former retail job. I decided if I had to work outside the home, I was going to be happy and help to truly make a difference in someone else's life, while making money of course also.

So I chose the health field........nursing.

I love being an STNA and cannot wait to start my classes and clinincals, although I do have bad days, usually thanks to lazy co-workers (which are in any job), the majority of them are good.

Once I get my ADN I am transfering to OSU Eastern for my BSN then from there who knows. I just know I will never be bored.


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