have just heard that there are a few very unscrupulous people from the us over in the philippines right now recruiting and they are focusing on those that took the exam in june and offering to bring you to the us. do not buy into it. as we say over here, you have been warned. to be brought over under not legal avenues will be grounds for you to be deported, as well as get into serious consequences with us immigration. you will be paid minimum wage, or even less, since you will not be covered by a green card, nor will you be able to get your license to work in the us.
please be very careful in what you do, if will stay with you for the rest of your life. and there will be nothing that i or anyone else will be able to help you with, if you decide to something illegal right from the start.
please be very careful about this. if the contract is not bringing you over as an rn, do not sign it. if it tells you that you will take the exam later on, do not sign it. if it says that you can work as an rn in the us in about six months after you get here, do not sign it.
none of that is true. ca has not even decided what they are going to do about the exam. it takes ca four to six months to give permission to sit for the exam, and that is when there are no issues surrounding anything. you must pass the exam, before immigration process can be started for you to work as an rn. you do not just change over work jobs, you will need to get a green card to work as an rn. as well as pass the series of english exams and get a visa screen certificate. and that is not going to be quick to happen.
all i can say is fast as you can from anyone that presents a contract like that and report them to the authorities over there.
you will be unable to support yourself in the us on what that contract is offering you. and especially in ca. impossible to do.