PHCC spring 2012 lpn applicants

U.S.A. Florida


Hi everyone! Just wondering if there are any other Phcc lpn applicants going crazy out there? The waiting is killing me, and I'm afraid my husband might murder me if I don't stop Freaking out lol. Between stalking the mail carrier and talking about it all the time, he is over it. Can't blame him either. So just looking to see if any others are doing the same.

@Redsox...ohhh. I get what ya mean! I wanna know also. Hopefully were first on the list!!

I will keep ya posted if I get any answers Monday.

I will do the same. I'm there at 8 so that is definately my first stop lol.

Good luck... do you know any other applicants? I wonder what the lowest score in is so far.

I wish more people were on this LPN thread!!

CK73- when do you have to claim your seat by if you don't mind me asking? Congrats again on getting in the program, you must be so excited!

I am excited! We have to have our acceptance in by next Friday. I am sure there are others like me who will drive down there on Monday and turn it in. Hopefully, there are some that got into RN... who will turn in their decline to LPN. And from what I've read on the past boards, the school will call you if you are an alternate. So, hopefully you will have a call next week. :lol2:

Thanks CK73. I hope so too! I was just wondering timeline wise because of registration opening soon for spring. I was hoping we would know before that happens. Thanks!

I hope they let us know soon!

@Redsox- let me know how it goes tomorrow if you go in and talk to them!! Good luck :)

Being an alternate is a drag, I have been stressing all weekend lol

Springhopeful- I will post what I find out for sure. It is a drag, but at least we still have a glimmer of hope. That is what I am holding on to. If not, it is a great way to learn perseverance and patience. I'll let you know as soon as I find out. We just gotta keep our heads up.

Hey Redsox-

I called this morning and they told me that they don't tell us what "rank" we are on the alternate list, how many alternates there are, or how they are chosen. He said that I will either get picked or I wont lol

He made it sound as if there is no rhyme or reason to the selection process.

I am SO glad he never asked for my name and I never gave it to him, because he seemed pretty annoyed by my call!

He transfered me to a woman in the nursing program and she told me that we should hear something within 2 weeks and that if we don't, to call back and find out if all alternates have been notified.

Oh well! lol Nothing I didn't already know, but hopefully you have better luck going in person..

Hi Redsox and Spring Hopeful. I too am an alternate for the 2012 LPN program. Can I ask what county you applied under? I live in Hillsborough and got a 78 on the TEAS so I'm not sure where I'm at on the list. Good luck girls...and loads of prayers that everyone decided to do RN, or another program and there are lots of spots filled with us alternates. :)

Springhopeful- well it looks like I got a lil more info than you were able to get. There are 10 alternates that are notified. There is no way to find out where we are on the list. we can be notified that we are in anytime starting next week till the first week of term. She did say the chances are really good if you are one of the ten that get the letter of getting in! So fingers crossed for both of us we get notified soon! She also said it doesn't hurt to go ahead and get the immunization process started with the physical. So let's keep our heads up and fingers crossed!

CynMar- I am not sure about Redsox, but I am a Pasco resident. Wlecome to the board and good luck to you!!

Redsox- Glad you got a little more info! So they seemed to think we have a decent chance of getting in huh?

As for the physical and immunizations- I heard that PHCC uses a form that the docs need to fill out, so how does that work? Do we just get them done and if we get in, go rush and get it signed? Or can we request the forms now? Or are they not using any forms?

Also- have any info on the background check? I want to be done and prepared JUST IN CASE!! lol

I wish, hope, and pray we get in!

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