Personality Type and Nursing

Nurses General Nursing


If you don't want to read it all that's fine. Just take this test and post your four letters (the preference % isn't necessary but you can if you want) or just post your type if you already know it:

You can read about your type here afterward. It's actually very fascinating stuff:

I was just thinking about how much I'm struggling with nursing whereas before I've succeeded in every academic endeavor in which I invest my time and efforts. I operate from a very internal locus of control, so I'm not blaming my hardship on my personality type... but Nursing is inherently very structured... systematic... "real-world"...

So, while I made 99s in highschool, persisitent As and Bs in one of the most academically challenging private schools in this part of the US (with As and Bs often being 95+ and 85+)... I find myself at a loss... Making a D on my first nursing test (I was in the bottom three) and barely making a B on my second (pretty much average).

Anyway, I don't tell you that just to brag or something but to show the contrast between then and now. While I'm not considering changing my major (far too late for that) I have wondered to myself how much personality plays into it.

MBTI has two types dealing with how one organizes one's thoughts and approaches the world. The "s-type" or "sensing type." Sensors are very focused on the real world. They are naturally structured. The "n-type" or "intuitive type" are the creative individuals who might have a room that looks like a hurricane hit it, but can paint a mural like you've never seen.

I'm the creative type... I've done professional graphic design work.. I draw... I write music.. I write poetry... sing... I spend hours on nature photography... But my organizational skills can be crap, my room is notoriously messy, and my ability to memorize these endless assessment procedures is pretty low. I've found that almost all of my peers are s-types through talking with them and just figuring out how they operate.

It dawned on me that a large part of my particular level of difficulty with nursing is probably the very way my brain is wired!

So... what are you... S-type or N-type?

My type is actually very rare. I'm an INTJ.

You can read about it here:

I wonder if N-type nurses are as rare as male nurses. I'm a murse by the way :p.

Specializes in Pediatrics.



moderately expressed introvert

very expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

very expressed judging personality

pediatric nursing/ nursing instructor

[color=#d000a0]that was so neat, and so very true.


you are:

  • moderately expressed introvert
  • slightly expressed sensing personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • distinctively expressed judging personality

[color=#11114f]introverted sensing feeling judging

Specializes in Open Heart/ Trauma/ Sx Stepdown/ Tele.


guardians can have a lot of fun with their friends, but they are quite serious about their duties and responsibilities. guardians take pride in being dependable and trustworthy; if there's a job to be done, they can be counted on to put their shoulder to the wheel. guardians also believe in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even a fundamental sense of right and wrong, is being lost. guardians are meticulous about schedules and have a sharp eye for proper procedures.

your type is

[color=#d000a0]intj[color=#d000a0]introverted[color=#d000a0]intuitive[color=#d000a0]thinking[color=#d000a0]judgingstrength of the preferences % [color=#d000a0]67[color=#d000a0]25[color=#d000a0]12[color=#d000a0]78

intj type description by d.keirsey

intj type description by j. butt and m.m. heiss

qualitative analysis of your type formula

you are:

  • distinctively expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • slightly expressed thinking personality
  • very expressed judging personality

that's pretty much moi!

Specializes in ICU/CCU/CVICU/ED/HS.

ISTJ....78-50-75-73.... Is this a good thing????... I am still not sure how these things work...Always come up with the same letters, at least I am consistant.:rolleyes:

Specializes in Utilization Management.

your type is

[color=#d000a0]enfj[color=#d000a0]extroverted [color=#d000a0]intuitive [color=#d000a0]feeling [color=#d000a0]judging enfj type description by d.keirsey

enfj type description by j. butt

qualitative analysis of your type formula

you are:

  • slightly expressed extrovert
  • slightly expressed intuitive personality
  • distinctively expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality

i don't jive with some of the description ("charismatic" i am not!) but some of it does fit.

i only get worried when people take this stuff seriously and make decisions based on it....i had a job once where everyone had to fill out a questionnaire based on the "color" of her/his personality.


Your Type is


Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging

Strength of the preferences %

56 38 50 56

Specializes in ER.

your type is

[color=#d000a0]istj[color=#d000a0]introverted[color=#d000a0]sensing[color=#d000a0]thinking[color=#d000a0]judgingstrength of the preferences % [color=#d000a0]78[color=#d000a0]100[color=#d000a0]50[color=#d000a0]56

:wink2: er nurse for 16 months and counting loving every minute of it.

ISTJ. Always have been, always will be.

That said, my experience in nursing thus far and the death of my father recently have, in combination, made me much less judging and more empathetic to others. :wink2:

estj here.

like lucy from peanuts and judge judy!



# distinctively expressed introvert

# distinctively expressed intuitive personality

# slightly expressed thinking personality

# slightly expressed judging personality

I dont know how accurate it is...

I know I am more of an extrovert.... more research to be done.

Your Type is


Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging

Strength of the preferences %

22 62 25 78

slightly expressed extrovert

distinctively expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

very expressed judging personality

Who'd have thunk it

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