Penlight Help

Nurses Uniform/Gear


I am a nursing student going for my ADN and have just began my 3rd semester. I am looking for advice and recommendations on a penlight. My first one was disposable and came with a lab pack I bought a year ago. Now that it is not working I need to replace it.

I was looking at LED penlights, but I read that they may be damaging to the retina.

I was also looking at a Welch Allyn Halogen penlight .

Do you have any recommendations? Thanks

--Shotty, Student Nurse

Specializes in Neuro/Med-Surg/Oncology.

Get a cheapie. They disappear and break with surprising regularity. A few people I work with have ones that attach to the end of their stethoscopes wrapped around the bell. Food for thought. Stay away from LED unless you want to blind your patients.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I personally have a little MagLite and its awesome - have used it since 2004!

Thanks for your insight. I also asked a few nurses I know personally and I received the advice to purchase an inexpensive one by most. But two nurses, one of them my cousin, told me to pay a little more and get something I like and that even though its a little more expensive you'll feel good about the gear. I guess it depends on the individual, on how well he/she takes good care of belongings and whether you feel its worth it.

Once again, thanks.

Ok so I am coming into this topic very late LOL but I figured I would add my 2 cents in as well. In my own opinion, I think in a penlight I would stick with the cheap 4 packs that you can but online. There is no doubt that they are something you will have people borrowing, losing, breaking, etc. The only real items that I have spent any great deal of money on is my stethoscope and the scrubs and shoes I wear. Being comfortable is the best thing to help you succeed in busy days.

buy the ones that come free with buying an energizer battery.

Specializes in Psych, CICU, Ortho, Army Medic.

I use a $2 LCD flashlight from Walmart.. Works like a charm and should I loose it or break it, I couldn't care less.. Also, it's much smaller than any other flashlights out there, fits perfectly in any pocket or you can clip it to your badge.

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