Pearson Trick 100% Real!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello! This is my first time posting here and I am so happy to say that I am a newly Licensed RN!!!

I took the NCLEX this past Saturday, June 22, 2013. I was very discouraged coming out of the test because it shut me off at 250/265 questions and I for sure thought that I failed it.

After about an hour of crying and doubting everything about my schooling and knowledge, I did the Pearson Vue trick and it did not allow me to register. The exact message I received was "Our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. Please contact your Member Board for further assistance. Another registration cannot me made at this time". On the front page it also said Delivery Successful. I checked this website every day since the test as well as the to see if my name was posted under the license verification section.

Five days later (today), a fellow classmate of mine posted on facebook that his license was finally posted on the BRN website (He also did the Pearson trick and he got the same message I got)! I had been checking every day since the test with no luck and I decided to do my first check of the day this morning and...dun dun dun MY NAME WAS THERE!!!!!!!

There it was. My name. Next to my mother's name. My name staring back at me next to the letters RN. My name. All 26 letters of it there.

License type: Registered Nurse; License Status: ACTIVE; Issue Date: June 26,2013

I, like all of you other RN students, was completely unsure of the trick. I didn't know anyone who could personally verify for me that it was real. Until now. It's real.

Have faith. You know MORE than you THINK you know!! Be confident in the fact that you can give safe, effective, quality care to each and every patient that you will come across in your lifetime as an RN. There is a huge, bright, amazingly glorious light at the end of the tunnel! You WILL make it. YOU WILL.

Now it's time for me to get a JOB!!! =)

congratulations! God is good! I took my test June 10 and still have not received my results because my school lagged on the transcripts! So horrible! I am dying, but I am happy to hear your story because I have been doubting the PVT.

Thank you!! A bunch of my classmates took it early June and still haven't received their results either. So it's not just you!! I have no idea why my results were processed quickly, but I am very happy and blessed that they were! I'm sure you'll get yours soon and you'll pass!! =) Update me when you do!!

I took mine yesterday and did the trick. It led me to the CC page so it didn't work. I got timed out around 90-100 questions so I'm pretty devastated right now about it. I haven't gotten the results yet but I'm pretty sure I failed.

First time NCLEX taken. Went in confidant. I've been studying for 4-7 hours 5-6 days a week for the last 2-3 weeks. Kaplans.. ( 70% on their 6 and 7 test, 75% on their lower tests.) Exam cram... same 75%. Saunders even better. Had it dialed in. Had a TERRIBLE time with the exam. Felt like I knew Nothing! Left and just knew I was gonna take it again. Still. Did the pearson vue trick. Got the GOOD pop up! So maybe I am just too hard on myself. Hope so! Still gonna celebrate tonight! Might as well. Figure after all that stress I earned it whether I passed or not. But crossing my fingers! Woohoo! I'll let you all know when I find out officially!

I have to remember this...thanks and congrats!!!!!

Congrats! When you do the trick do you put yes or no for those three questions?

Thanks RN! :-) I iwll let you know! Keep me in prayer please! My new job starts on the 8th and if I dont have my RN by the 3rd I no longer have the job :(

Crycomedic; Yes!! Go out and CELEBRATE!!! You've accomplished SO MUCH! The average person doesn't understand the sheer amount of work involved in becoming an RN....terribly boring lectures, long clinical hours, endless tests and studying hour after hour after hour. You need this break. Of course you're terrified but you need to stop, take a breath, and look back at your long journey of getting to this point. It's the final stretch and you've hit that ball and you're in that suspension of waiting to see it fly outta the park and I'm sure it will!! Please update me when you find our your results!! :)

Sunnylvthn; please don't be discouraged! I've read posts on here that people have left saying that they went all the way to the cc page but later found out that they passed! Stay positive! And like my mom said when I was sobbing in her arms after finishing my test "so what if you don't pass the first time. You'll pass the second time. It doesn't mean that you're gonna be a bad nurse. It didn't mean that you didn't put in the hours of studying and that you don't know the material. It's that you were nervous and you let the hyped up big bad nclex get the best of you." I've had clinical rotations with the BEST CCU RNs that took three tries to pass. I know passing the first time is the goal. I know. But I honestly was ready to start studying again to take it the second time. It doesn't make you any less safer, effective, or caring than someone who passed the first time. Please stay positive and let me know your results!!

Thank you so much Samarah!!

Blueorchid981; thank you! For all the questions I just answered honestly. Yes I've taken the test before, no I haven't taken it for other licensure or whatever. I don't really remember the questions but answer them honestly!

Exhausted! I definitely will keep you in my prayers!!! I will definitely pray harder knowing that you already have a job lined up!!!!! That's so fantastic!! Please please keep me updated!!!

The PVT is not reliable. Several friends of mine have not seen the "good" pop up yet still have passed. 1 If you've taken the test and are anxious about whether you passed or not consider that 86% of first-time test-takers (educated in the US) PASS. NCLEX is a test of MINIMUM competency. You do not have to be a genius to pass. You do not have to get 92% correct to pass. You simply must show that more often than not you will take SAFE actions and not endanger patients.

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