Hello! This is my first time posting here and I am so happy to say that I am a newly Licensed RN!!!
I took the NCLEX this past Saturday, June 22, 2013. I was very discouraged coming out of the test because it shut me off at 250/265 questions and I for sure thought that I failed it.
After about an hour of crying and doubting everything about my schooling and knowledge, I did the Pearson Vue trick and it did not allow me to register. The exact message I received was "Our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. Please contact your Member Board for further assistance. Another registration cannot me made at this time". On the front page it also said Delivery Successful. I checked this website every day since the test as well as the rn.ca.gov to see if my name was posted under the license verification section.
Five days later (today), a fellow classmate of mine posted on facebook that his license was finally posted on the BRN website (He also did the Pearson trick and he got the same message I got)! I had been checking every day since the test with no luck and I decided to do my first check of the day this morning and...dun dun dun MY NAME WAS THERE!!!!!!!
There it was. My name. Next to my mother's name. My name staring back at me next to the letters RN. My name. All 26 letters of it there.
License type: Registered Nurse; License Status: ACTIVE; Issue Date: June 26,2013
I, like all of you other RN students, was completely unsure of the trick. I didn't know anyone who could personally verify for me that it was real. Until now. It's real.
Have faith. You know MORE than you THINK you know!! Be confident in the fact that you can give safe, effective, quality care to each and every patient that you will come across in your lifetime as an RN. There is a huge, bright, amazingly glorious light at the end of the tunnel! You WILL make it. YOU WILL.
Now it's time for me to get a JOB!!! =)