
Specialties School


Specializes in Behavioral health, new school nurse.

I am not new to nursing however I am new to school nursing. I currently work in the state of PA and I was wondering if other LPNs could share what they are making. I am left in a terrible position. I feel as though I was truly tricked about what my pay would be. They stated the same hourly rate over and over only to find out once I started with deductions, and pay taken to carry through breaks and Summer it is GROSSLY different. We are taking about $13 and some change an hour which is $11 less than I was told. Has anyone else had something similar happen? Is this normal?!  Advice on how to proceed with this? lOVE the job .. can't live on the newly discovered salary, and no actual salary was never discussed only hourly and I was told the "break pay" was already subtracted from that!! 

Specializes in pediatrics, school nursing.

Can't speak to LPN pay scale, but the sticker shock of being in school nursing is a common cause for high turnover... But yes, once you take out your taxes and other deductions, I am not surprised that your actual take-home each week is much lower. But, this is standard practice - you just have to change the way you think about it, which can be difficult. They are not taking the money away from you, they are distributing it evenly so that you can be paid over the breaks - it is essentially guaranteed (albeit you don't get to choose when) paid vacation time.

As far as the sticker shock, when I break down my salary into an hourly wage, it is actually better than what I was making in the hospital, even though I make a significantly smaller amount of money. But I have to remind myself that I get all holidays & weekends off, 8-10 weeks off in the Summer, and 4 weeks of vacation that I don't have to fight for. 

Being in a school offers a lot of personal benefits as far as scheduling and work-life balance, and a lot of us choose that over the pay of a more standard nursing job! It's a very personal decision. Good luck!



Specializes in School Nurse.

I'm sorry about the pay shock. My paycheck feels sad as well, compared to my "hourly rate" (I'm salaried, but when you break it down to hours). It's not that they pay me a bad hourly wage, I just don't actually work many hours. We get 1/4 of the year off. And only work 8 hours per day during the rest of the year. It makes a huge paycheck difference. 

I don't see how they "tricked" you. It's just a matter of realizing that less hours worked = less pay. 

As far as how to proceed: get a Summer job to make up some of the pay deficit or go into a different specialty.  The district is not going to negotiate with you about pay (at least that wouldn't happen here.)



Specializes in LPN School Nurse.

My gross is $32/hour.   I don't have the pay equalization so I only get taxes and insurance taken out really.


Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..

When I first started many years ago- I was paid pretty well, with benefits. A few years ago, it was decided to change all that. I was changed to strict hourly, no benefits, no nothing. It broke my heart that they could just do this on a whim.

But, I try to always look at the bright side- and it is that I don't have to ask to be off if I need to be gone. I don't really answer to anyone as far as those day to day things very liberating in a way.

 Sooo although it was a pretty big shock- as they did this and I didn't have any idea it was coming- It's nice not to have to ask for time off.

I don't have to feel like I owe the school anything.

I hope you are all safe and warm.

Kc_LPN0602 said:

I am not new to nursing however I am new to school nursing. I currently work in the state of PA and I was wondering if other LPNs could share what they are making. I am left in a terrible position. I feel as though I was truly tricked about what my pay would be. They stated the same hourly rate over and over only to find out once I started with deductions, and pay taken to carry through breaks and Summer it is GROSSLY different. We are taking about $13 and some change an hour which is $11 less than I was told. Has anyone else had something similar happen? Is this normal?!  Advice on how to proceed with this? lOVE the job .. can't live on the newly discovered salary, and no actual salary was never discussed only hourly and I was told the "break pay" was already subtracted from that!! 


Wow. I make 110k a year as a school nurse in NYC. 

Curious to know how things are working out for you?  Are you still loving your position, have you found a balance with the salary?  I am not a school nurse, but I did a 4 month practicum last year for my MSN program and LOVED it.  I've interviewed for a few positions in my area and I've received a few offers - the initial shock is real!  It has taken me a few months to consider and after really looking at it the hourly rate is not much less than I'm currently making.  I've been with my organization for more than a decade and change is hard, but I am so burned out.  Thinking of taking the leap for the upcoming school year.  I hope that everything is working out for you 🙂

Specializes in School Nurse.

The shock is definitely real! I started at $29/hr, but we do not get paid for breaks nor is there an option to spread checks out over breaks. It took some getting used to, but the schedule makes it beyond worth it! I know many school nurses get PRN jobs at their local hospital, if that's an option you'd be willing to check out!

Specializes in LPN, School Nurse, Dermatology.

Do you have a school union that you are a part of? I am a school nurse in Ohio. I am part of a union and I have a union representative that I go to for any questions/concerns. You also have to look at how many days of the year you are working. For example, I work 7 hours per day, 182 days out of the year (basically only when students are in school). So Let's say my hourly is $20 - I would make $140/day, times 182 work days, so my salary would be $25,480.... BUT, it is spread it out over the entire 365 day year. So because they are doing that, it seems like A LOT less money, but I am working way less and getting paid during breaks when I am not working. 

I hope this helps and makes sense!

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