Passed the NCLEX!


Specializes in Child/Adolescent Mental Health.

i wanted to let you all know that i passed. i took the boards on the 1st and found out a little while ago that i passed.

my advice for people taking this wacky exam is to trust your gut when answering the questions. saunders is an excellent book to use for review. i also found the ncsbn online review very helpful. i passed with 75 questions and felt very strange after the computer shut off. the questions where unlike any of the review questions i had done, but being able to sort out the answers was a little easier because i had done the reviews and had the knowledge base from which to draw.

mona, rn

Nice job!!! Isn't it a relief?!?


Specializes in Child/Adolescent Mental Health.

Yes, it is a definite relief:) I can't believe I worried so much over this exam. I guess all that studying I did paid off in the end.


congrats!! :balloons: way to go!!

Congrats and WTG!! Nicely done.

Johar :)

Specializes in Child/Adolescent Mental Health.
Congrats and WTG!! Nicely done.

Johar :)

Thanks Johar!


Specializes in Surgical/Telemetry.

Congrats to ya!

Specializes in med/surg,CHF stepdown, clinical manager.

congratulations Rn!!

Congratulations!! I know how you feel. I took NCLEX on Thursday and for the next 2 days was a basket case. I'm supposed to start an OR internship in March, didn't know how this would affect me if I failed, etc., yep I was going down to the garden to eat worms already. Totally falling apart at the seams. But I passed too!

Congratulations -- what area of nursing are you going into?

Janie RN :nurse:

Specializes in Cardiac.

Congratulations!!!!! Now you have those 2 wonderful letters next to your name!

Stacey :rolleyes:

Congratulations! I must admit, I'm a little jealous- I take mine on the 20th and am a bundle of nerves!

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