Passed CPNE


I passed the CPNE on April 9-11 at Grady Hospital! I felt well prepared... took an online workshop which really helped me put things in perspective on a visual level. If you know your critical elements, and have confidence in yourself, this test can be conquered!!!


Congrats!!!!!!!!!! I won't be far behind you!!!:yeah:

Specializes in Nurse Tech (Oncol.,Peds & Emer. Room).

Congratulations! Best wishes on NCLEX :) Donna

Specializes in Med/Surg, Dialysis, LTAC, Hospice, SCI.

TashaLPN, I used Sheri Taylor's online workshop.

Specializes in Emergency & Surgical Trauma.
Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

thanks, and good luck on the NCLEX i'm sure you will rock it out!

Specializes in GYN/ONC.


Which online course did you take?

Doreen from Mass

Specializes in Med/Surg, Dialysis, LTAC, Hospice, SCI.

Which online course did you take?

Doreen from Mass

Thanks dorkane, I used Sheri Taylor's online workshop and frequented the EPN board daily. Both sources were extremely helpful in my success... I didn't have any repeats at all.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Congratulations!! :)

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