Pasadena City College (PCC) Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys, I just turned in my application for PCC today and I wanted to start a thread to see who else applied. Share stats, questions, etc... on here :)

Thanks for the update.

I've pretty much given up at this point. There's always Spring, right?

lol. I'll see you in the spring ! :)

I've lost the faith too. classes on lancerpoint is pretty much filled now. only 2 spots available for the nurs50, and one spot left for the Nurs50s and Nurs50L. Oh well.

UPdate: lancerpoint website shows that the Nurs50 class went from 2 spots available to 3.

Thank you for keeping us updated. Really appreciate it.

Hello, I think you are reading it wrong. Only 3 students have registered so far. capacity is 40, spots remaining 37.

Let's not lose hope. you never know what the next few hours might bring!!!!

Hello, I think you are reading it wrong. Only 3 students have registered so far. capacity is 40, spots remaining 37.

oh YES! You're right! lol I'm just so anxious I'm just looking at any numbers. Well lets hope so!

All this stress is making things hard! We still have one more day! Here's hoping a few more of us make it in! Keeping my fingers crossed! :D

I've been checking my email and didn't get anything :(. By this time, I'm thinking I won't be joining the fall 18 class.

HI Guys,

I want to ask if any 7/23 alternates were called or e-mailed. I called this morning and spoke to someone that was very nice and informed me that if by last Friday we didn't get a call that we would need to re-apply. She mentioned to me that they follow up with a phone call and e-mail. I'm just curious to know if any 7/23's got accepted or notified? Also I checked the class scheduled and it seems like 14 spots are yet to be filled for Nurs50. Congratulations on everyone that got accepted and wish I would have been chosen.

I'm pretty bummed, even more so if the class size is 26 people. BUT, everything happens for a reason, right?

I'm planning on re-applying for the spring, and applying to LAVC and COC for the fall.

I'm hoping they accept my statistics course from my Kinesiology major at CSUN. It was an upper division class, and probably harder than the stats at PCC.

So they're just not going to fill up any empty spaces? That doesn't make any sense to me.

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