Pasadena City College (PCC) Fall 2018


Hey guys, I just turned in my application for PCC today and I wanted to start a thread to see who else applied. Share stats, questions, etc... on here :)

Hi Steph! I'm a Steph too! That's great. I plan to visit the campus next Friday and submit my application in person as well. I'm hoping to meet w/ a counselor just to make sure I have everything in order. I have a previous degree and Pasadena is the most generous in terms of awarding points for a previous degree. I'm really hoping that will help. With all my points, I calculated 87..

I'm wishing you and everyone else the best of luck! From previous threads, it looks like they let us know around June or so, but this time around I think the deadline is later than previously....

Hey Steph! How are you calculating these points? Are you getting it from the selection criteria section?

So during the last application cycle, they had a link to a document that was their "RN Program Enrollment Criteria that outlined the pts. It looks like that document isn't posted anymore or the ADN Admission supporting documentation form.

Here's my best attempt at breaking their point system down:

Section 1- Education; 15 Max Pts

10 pts-B/S or B/A or higher

5 pts- AA/AS degree

5pts- LVN degree, Paramedic, tech, resp therapist, or military medic

Section 2- Nursing Pre-req + college G.P.A; 50 pts Max

Pre-reqs (Anatomy, Physio, Microbiology and English + MATH 131, 141 or 150 higher

4.0 GPA- 25 pts

3.5-3.9- 20 pts

3.0-3.4-15 pts

2.5-2.9-0 pts

All other college courses

4.0 GPA- 25 pts

3.5-3.9- 20 pts

3.0-3.4-15 pts

2.5-2.9-0 pts

Section 3, Life experiences; 3 pts Max (Require supplemental documentation)

Disability 3 pts

Low Family income 3 pts

First generation to attend college 3 pts

Need to work 3 pts

Disadvantaged social or educational enviorn 3pts

Difficult personal family situation 3pts

Refugee or Veteran Status 3pts

Section 4- Additional Language; 2 pts Max

Proficiency in another language, 2 pts

Section 5- TEAS Score; 30 Max

90 to 100- 30 pts

85-89.99- 25 pts

80-84.99-20 pts

74-79.99-15 pts

70-73.99-10 pts

62-69.99-5 pts

BS/BA degree- 30 pts

I'm not sure if they are still going to use this for our current application cycle or if they are changing it.

Ok, because I was looking at previous threads wondering how they were calculating. Thank you. Where else has everyone applied?

That's the old scoring system for like last year or the year before. What I have below is their current scoring system from their website.

Selection to the program is based on the following criteria:

-Previous Academic degrees (from a U.S. accredited college), or relevant health care certificates held by an applicant (maximum 25 points)

-Grade point average in relevant course work (maximum 25 points)

-Completion of relevant course work (maximum 20 points); Nutrition 11 = 5 points, Psychology 24 = 5 points, Sociology 1 = 5 points, Speech 001 or 10 = 5points

-Life experiences or special circumstances of an applicant (3 points awarded to all applicants)

Applicant may have one or more special circumstances, but the maximum points awarded are 3 points to each applicant. Documentation is no longer required.

-Advanced level coursework in languages other than English (maximum 2 points)

-Approved diagnostic assessment tool TEAS (maximum 25 points)

They are going to require people applying for Spring 2019 to take statistics.

I applied and submitted my application on April 10th. I included the following items in my application: bachelor's degree (posted on my transcript), other college transcripts, letters of recommendation (hospital that I volunteered at and instructor from PCC's anesthesia technology program), copies of BLS and ACLS cards, copy of my TEAS score, copy of financial aid, and noted advanced level of foreign language courses. I have applied to Rio Hondo College, PCC, and LA County School of Nursing. I have received acceptance from Rio Hondo on April 11, but I'm still debating on whether or not to accept since its start date conflicts with my program's end date.

I applied and submitted my application on April 10th. I included the following items in my application: bachelor's degree (posted on my transcript), other college transcripts, letters of recommendation (hospital that I volunteered at and instructor from PCC's anesthesia technology program), copies of BLS and ACLS cards, copy of my TEAS score, copy of financial aid, and noted advanced level of foreign language courses. I have applied to Rio Hondo College, PCC, and LA County School of Nursing. I have received acceptance from Rio Hondo on April 11, but I'm still debating on whether or not to accept since its start date conflicts with my program's end date.

Have you checked the Summer class schedule for Rio? It might not conflict with your schedule. If you don't mind me asking, why are you making the switch from AT to RN?

Have you checked the Summer class schedule for Rio? It might not conflict with your schedule. If you don't mind me asking, why are you making the switch from AT to RN?

I checked their summer schedule and it starts on June 4 while the AT program ends on June 15. I just did the program because it was new and slightly interesting but I wanted to ultimately do RN.

I turned in my application in earlier this month and I'll hoping for the best. Good luck to everyone!

There were lots of last minute application drop-offs this morning from what I saw. Best of luck to all of you.

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