Pasadena City College Fall 2015

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi all!

I applied for the PCC RN program to start fall 2015. The deadline closed on March 1. Since no thread had been created before feel free to join in if you applied for that term as well.


So I finally called PCC to find out what happened with my application. I have not received any sort of email from PCC if I was accepted/alternate/rejected. They took down my name and number and called me shorty after I called them. The student worker told me that they had my application and that they were going to review it today and send me an official letter tomorrow. I was confused as to why they had to review my application if the selection was done. He seem like he didn't want to tell me directly that I was not accepted but he just kept saying that they have steps in accepting candidates or maybe they were just trying to cover their ass that they didn't even look at my application? I guess I will ask more questions as soon as I receive the official letter. I got accepted to Citrus College but PCC was my top choice since I work by PCC. Does anyone know any kind of information about Citrus College? How are the teachers, clinical locations and just the overall program. Thank you! I wish everyone the best of luck on getting into nursing school!

Wow at least you were able to talk to a live person! I hope you get a quick response! Good luck to you!!

Hi! Heartstrings426!

So yesterday I went to the office at PCC to ask about my application, the person I spoke to told me that the main office where they are actually reviewing the applications is not at the main campus but at the campus on foothill. So she gave me their phone number but since it's close to my job I went in this morning before work to see if I could find something out. They took my name/number/email and said they would call me or notify me as soon as they get to my application because they have not notified a lot of people. So I asked "so at this point is it only rejection letters?" She said "No, it's everyone". So I'm hoping I will get an answer soon, maybe today. I think they had way more applications than usual this time and that's why it's taking them a long time. Also the way they choose people is different so it probably takes longer. So hang in there! As soon as I know I'll let you know!

Mes7kk thanks for the update!


I just received an email that I was not selected. 😢 hope you still have a shot, they said it was really competitive with over 500 applications. Good luck!

Hey guys!

Has anyone heard anything as far as alternates go? If you were an alternate and got an email stating you were selected for the program?

Also does anyone know when the orientation is?

I was an alternate and received my acceptance letter today morning. However, I will not be attending, so there's still hope for some!

Hey jesheki!

Thanks so so much for your reply :) really appreciate that!

If if you don't mind my asking when did you receive your original alternate status email from pcc? Date and time? I'm trying to get a better understanding of where I am on the list.

Again thank you for your reply and best of luck to you in your future nursing career.

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