Parkland Dallas Summer 2018 Graduate Nurse Residency

Nurses Job Hunt


Just starting a thread for Parkland Dallas! Has anyone heard back about anything?

I feel your pain. I have my ADN as well. But I definitely don't have the amount of experience that you have. I feel like the only reason I even got an interview for NICU was because of the employee referral that I had, but I could tell during the interview they probably wouldn't hire me because I don't have a BSN. If you don't mine me asking, who confirmed to you that they are only interviewing BSNs for women's services?

Veronica said at this time they are only interviewing BSN students. However you got a interview so don't count yourself out. I'm sure you did great!!

Veronica said at this time they are only interviewing BSN students. However you got a interview so don't count yourself out. I'm sure you did great!!

I already found out I didn't get the NICU job :( thanks though! :)

I'm glad she confirmed this so now I can just move on from L&D. I really didn't want to start in Med Surg but I will take anything at this point honestly.

I already found out I didn't get the NICU job :( thanks though! :)

I'm glad she confirmed this so now I can just move on from L&D. I really didn't want to start in Med Surg but I will take anything at this point honestly.

I'm sorry :( But med surg isn't a bad place to start off you will learn a lot! Even maybe consider a PCU floor. Get your year done and transfer to the specialty you want.

I'm going to apply to every residency I can find! I'm hoping Parkland posts some more. I applied for the hospitalist position but I'm not really sure what it is, lol.

MommyRN_26, not sure if you would be interested but I just saw a FB recruiter post for Med Surg at Medical City McKinney and North Hills.

MommyRN_26, not sure if you would be interested but I just saw a FB recruiter post for Med Surg at Medical City McKinney and North Hills.

Thank you!!

is it for a new grad residency?

Would you mind sharing with me the name of the Facebook page so I can find the post? Thanks!


I sent you a PM!

Has anyone been offered a position at Parkland yet? If so, what departments?

Does anyone know exactly what the Hospitalist residency entails? Is it Med/Surg?

MommyRN_26, not sure if you would be interested but I just saw a FB recruiter post for Med Surg at Medical City McKinney and North Hills.

Would you also share the name of the FB page? I would like to see the post!

I also got a "no" for the ED 😔

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