my parents think i am dumb.


I am tired of all these waiting lists and the competitiveness just to get a damn degree for parents think i am not very smart bc it seems that i can't get into a university for nursing...its not that i cannot get into a four-year university, it is just the fact that nursing is truly an impacted program...

is it sensible to obtain a bachelor's degree in biology or anything other than nursing. and then apply for the accelerated nursing programs specifically for people who have a non-nursing baccalaureate degree? i know that NYU has a 15 month accelerated program...thoughts?

Specializes in Private Practice- wellness center.

You could do that, but I would check into how competitive those programs are. Most of them are just as difficult to get a seat in as a standard BSN program, at least in my state they are. Have you considered a two year degree at all?

Good luck! (And hopefully someone else can give you better info...)

can you enroll in one and then petition for change after freshman year? after all, there is bound to be some whom drop out...

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

Don't give up. And your parents aren't helping by making you feel dumb. You could get your Bio degree and apply to an Accelerated Program. I'm actually applying to one. They are competitive too, but ADN/ASN program are even more competitive.

Don't let others peoples criticisms stop you from pursuing your dreams. I would consider a 2 year program, you can always pursue that, then enter into a bsn or even a rn to msn program.

I think you should just keep applying to nursing schools.

At some point you will have to draw a line on your parents' influence on your professional and personal life. If you know you are capable of becoming a nurse and you want to pursue it, then go for it. You can show them better than you can tell them. Good luck.

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