Published Sep 8, 2006
43 Posts
Hi all,
Im starting my lpn program nxt month its a 14 months program and im paying 800 a month.I get paid about 1,400-1,500 a month Im 20 and my parents doesnt want to help me do the loan.I didnt get approved cuz i had no credit
My parents doesnt wanna help me becuz they think I cant finish the program..Im going to provedthem wrong, so I will sacrifice paying that much money just to finish without ever needing help from them.
I will go to school 4 times a week during morning and would work probably about 6 times a week during nights and morning just to pay my tuition
Christos Anesti
18 Posts
I had the same Question you do. How to work full time and go to school. try checking the thread out it's titled "Full Time Wok + Fulltime School"
That's too bad about your parents though! That's always an unnecessary stress factor when you don't have your parents approval, being as young as you are. I wish you many blessings on your journey.
I am 2 weeks into the program whiole working full time. The hardest thing so far is the schedule. Time management is KEY.
Good to have you here
hey thanks for replying.How you doin so far in the program?well yeh my parents doesn't support me right now..I really dont know why.they'd rather make me pay 800 a month than them doing the loan so I wouldnt have to pay anything after graduation.
Oh wellz...i guess I will try my best to do it.
Goodluck for us both.
139 Posts
I put myself thru college twice--once right out of high school, and then thru nursing school when I was married with little kids. It CAN be done, just have to manage your time and organize, organize, organize. Financially it's tough, but so worth it. Goodluck.
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
I feel for you. I put myself through college 3 times with out financial help from my parents only because they didnt have it. But they are there to help in other ways. I think its just sad because you look to your parents in hard times like these. But you can do it I have 5 kids and did it.. heck Im pregnant with number 6 and still am going and trying to finish my BSN. Nothing is impossible.. good luck to you
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I was in the same situation as you about seven years ago when I had just graduated from high school. I had been accepted to three California State Universities but my parents, thinking that I wasn't ready for college, refused to cosign any student loans. Therefore, I never went to the university and ended up working full-time at a series of dead-end jobs.
At age 20 I was hired as a factory worker and, for the first time in my life, earned decent money. I saved my money, built a good credit history, and was soon able to attend LVN school while living in a nice home of my own at age 23. Things have somewhat worked out for me, but I just wished that my parents valued education more. I also wished they would believe in my abilities instead of thinking that I'm not ready. I now live 1,400 miles away from Mom and Dad and don't regret my decision.
It is extremely difficult to work full-time while attending LPN/LVN school. It will be done if you want it badly enough, but it is a surprisingly difficult feat to accomplish. I collected unemployment checks and lived on my savings while going to school.
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
For what it is worth, try not to be too hard on your parents. They may not be able to afford it. I don't know your folks, so it is hard to say, but there are parents that do, in fact, value education, but can't find the means to advance their children the funds to attend college. Also it may be because you are young, and most young people change their minds like the wind, and drop things that they are not interested in. This may not be you, but, many people your age find other interests and don't want to commit to their original plans, thus, leaving their parents with the bill.
If it is your goal to become a nurse, it will happen out of sheer determination. I wish you the best of luck!
379 Posts
I hear you Heather..... This is my 4th time in school......working on the 3rd degree (1 is diploma)..... It's nice to finally not have to deal with my kids being little. The first time my twins were toddlers, the second time I was a single mom of 3 (did a lot of homework in the hospital with a sickly infant). I just finished my LPN and am bridging to the RN right now.... I am now married and have 5 kids but my youngest (the sickly infant) is now 15...
It's difficult but can be done. Your (OP's) parents should still do the FAFSA. They don't have to get a loan just because they fill out the FAFSA... that's how you get your federal loans and you should have no problem getting one of those..... Good luck!
2,756 Posts
Are you sure you don't qualify for a Stafford loan? You don't need a credit history to get one of these. I got 4 of them, and for my first 3, they were the loan items on my credit history.
I financed my $20,000 school bill with a Sallie Mae loan. If it interests you, visit for more information.
For what it is worth, try not to be too hard on your parents. They may not be able to afford it.
Parents who cannot afford college do have the ability to cosign a student loan that the student can repay. Even if the parents don't have the money, their signature is worth more than gold.
True, unless they also don't have the income or the credit history to qualify. Lots of people live beyond their means and those closest to them have no idea they're even struggling. It's hard to say.