Published Aug 6, 2005
103 Posts
Hi All,
I was so excited registering for my classes, Now I am freaking out. I just picked up my books for classes starting on the 23rd.
I started reading and began to lose it! I have no idea what I am reading !!
I am also taking History, Math, and a humanities class. Is it going be as bad it looks.
Please share.....:chair:
82 Posts
Chemistry can be a very difficult subject for a lot of people. Many of my classmates withdrew or failed. Probably more than half of the class. I didn't pay too much attention.
Just put in the study time. I used MANY resources when I didn't understand a subject. Look at different text books. Go to Barnes and Noble and browse their books, buy some supplemental books, etc. Learn the stuff to the point that you have a true understanding of it. It takes some time. I'm pretty good in sciences, but Chemsitry isn't a subject you can breeze through without having some understanding of it.
Also, it helps to have an understanding of algebra. A lot of my classmates struggled with some of the concepts because they didn't have a clear grasp of math. So brush up on that if you're weak in that area.
Good luck!
423 Posts
I had panic attacks over high school chemistry, I ended up passing barely. If I had it to do over, I would buy Chemistry for Dummies, go to tutoring or if it was at the college the academic resource center for tutoring. Good luck!
NewEnglandRN, RN
486 Posts
I was terrified before I took Chemistry. I did not have it in High School and thought for sure I would have a difficult time. Turns out, I loved the class and got an A. :)
My advice is to keep up with the work. If you start to feel confused, get extra help from the instructor or tutoring center if you have one. Like most subjects, one unit builds on another, so make sure you get the basics down.
Good luck,
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
You're not expected to pick up a chemistry book and know what you're reading. That's why you have an instructor.
It's a tough class. I took it last semester and am still having PTSD. :)
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
You're not expected to pick up a chemistry book and know what you're reading. That's why you have an instructor. It's a tough class. I took it last semester and am still having PTSD. :)
I had it in high school. yep....PTSD here too LOL (well, at least when we had to do the chem part in Microbiology during the summer.) haha
grannynurse FNP student
1,016 Posts
Hi All,I was so excited registering for my classes, Now I am freaking out. I just picked up my books for classes starting on the 23rd.I started reading and began to lose it! I have no idea what I am reading !!I am also taking History, Math, and a humanities class. Is it going be as bad it looks. Please share.....:chair:
You didn't say if you were taking inorganic or organic chemistry first. Regardless, take your time reading and taking notes. Tape your professor's lectures. Go to the bookstore and look at the Chemistry for Dummies and such books. And if you are having trouble, get help right a way.
Good luck
Grannynurse :balloons:
Thanks for all the great tips. Not sure what type of Chm class. It is listed as
Chemistry 100. Have you been able to relate chm to your nursing practice ?
When I was in LPN school I took A&P but no chemistry was required. When I began practicing I was able to apply the knowlegde in my practice, is it the same way with chm.
You didn't say if you were taking inorganic or organic chemistry first. Regardless, take your time reading and taking notes. Tape your professor's lectures. Go to the bookstore and look at the Chemistry for Dummies and such books. And if you are having trouble, get help right a way. Good luckGrannynurse :balloons:
Irene joy
243 Posts
I understand your fear. I am just on my last week of chem 101 summer quarter, studying for final. If you are the kind of person who kind of liked math but had to put in a lot of work, It will be about the same in this class. It is imperitive you dont let a chapter go by until you have a full grasp on it or it will all go downhill from there. Best of luck, you'll be fine!
Thanks for all the great tips. Not sure what type of Chm class. It is listed as Chemistry 100. Have you been able to relate chm to your nursing practice ?When I was in LPN school I took A&P but no chemistry was required. When I began practicing I was able to apply the knowlegde in my practice, is it the same way with chm.
I took my Chemistry back in 1964-65. The amount of thinking skils I had to use were useful when I started to practice. Chemistry was a great introduction into logical thinking skills and the use of formulas. It is an excelent base to build your education upon.
Granynurse :balloons:
donsterRN, ASN, BSN
2,558 Posts
You've received some excellent advice here. I hope you don't mind my $.02...
I was TERRIFIED about taking Chemistry. Actually, "terrified" is two soft a word for what I felt. I actually posted here on these boards about my "Chemistry-phobia". A basic chem course is required in my program; I had the option to take an accelerated version of it this summer, and I just finished yesterday. To my very great surprise and relief, I earned an A in this course. By no means am I a chemistry whiz, nor am I a math fanatic. The course is normally presented in thirteen weeks; I took it in six. This meant that I really had to work at it. There was a huge number of concepts presented, daily homework assignments, chapter readings, a paper to write and 4 exams. What I found to be most helpful was keeping up with the reading. I didn't want anything presented in lecture to be a surprise; no new terms or formulas. If I could do that, everything else fell into place. My instructor was passionate about the subject, and her enthusiasm carried over into her teaching style; class was fun! But like anything else, mastering the subject requires work, determination and commitment. You have to do the studying.
A previous poster mentioned buying "Chemistry for Dummies". I totally agree! It's like having a second voice going over these concepts. The writing style is very conversational and the concepts presented are very nicely explained.
I'm sorry for the ramble; I just wanted to let you know that Chemistry is doable if you put in honest study. And always remember that it won't last forever! If I can do it, anyone can!
817 Posts
Ugg! Chem scared the crap out of me too. :scrying: I have never taken a chem class nor algebra. I'll be taking them both this year. This is going to suck. Atleast its only chem 01, no lab.